How to make after a while the color of a div change


Viewed 340 times


Well, my question is this:.

How to make a timer on a website, with a countdown of 30 seconds (Real-time), and when it reaches 0, the color of a div changes, even if no one is on the site this has to happen.

How can I do?

Thank you.

  • That is, only change color for those who open the page after 30 seconds of a certain time?

  • For example, the timer counts 30 seconds, that is to say it is counting even if no one is on the site, past those 30 seconds changes the color of a div, and the time goes back to 30, past those 30 comes back to change again etc...

  • 1

    What is the language you have on the server? How many colors are there (and which)? and how is the code of this div generated?

  • actually it might be like that instead of changing a color after 30 seconds enable a function in javascript.

2 answers


$(document).ready(function () {
    var adicionaClasse = function(){

    setTimeout(adicionaClasse, 2000);


$(document).ready(function () {
    }, 2000);
  • What is the controleid?

  • is the control ID you want to add the class. ex. <input type="text" id="abc" value="" >


I don’t know if it’s useful for you, but depending on the case you can do it with CSS using key-frames.



<div class="sua-div-aqui">


  height: 200px;
  width: 200px;
  animation:         nome-animacao 150s steps(1) infinite; /* IE 10+, Fx 29+ */

nome-animacao is the name of the key-frame, 150s is the total duration, steps(1) is to block the effect of Cubic-Bezier and infinite to keep repeating the animation when it is finished.

The colors you would set within the key-frame:

@keyframes nome-animacao {
  0%  {background-color: #A100C7;}
  20% {background-color: #00A1E6;}
  40% {background-color: #A1E633;}
  60% {background-color: #E6B02E;}
  80%{background-color: #DC0063;}

Note that we defined 150s earlier, dividing by 5 colors is equal to 30 seconds each colour.

Whenever you want to add a color or remove it, you should redo these calculations. After all, it is of course easier to do this with Javascript. I just wanted to show you another way to do it without using programming.

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