Load a combobox by selecting another combobox


Viewed 992 times


When returning the values in the combobox, it is returning as Undefined:

include 'relacao-cidades.php';

And just below the combobox I intend to load the states according to the selected city:

 <select name="Estados" id="CmbCidade" class="form-control">


And Jquery that is not working:

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {
        $('#CmbUF').change(function(e) {
            var id = $(this).val();
            $.post('listar-cidades.php', {ufid:id}, function(data){
                var cmb = '<option value="">Selecione a Cidade</option>';
                $.each(data, function (index, value){
                    cmb = cmb + '<option value="' + value.cidadeid + '">' + value.cidade + '</option>';;
            }, 'json');


       $conexao = mysqli_connect('','root','','tabela') or die(mysqli_error($conexao));
        $ufid = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'ufid', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
//$ufid = 48;
        if ($ufid){
            $query = mysqli_query($conexao, "SELECT IdCidade, Cidade FROM cidades WHERE IdCidade =".$ufid."");
            $linhas = array();
           while($jm = mysqli_fetch_array($query)){
                $linhas[] = $jm["Cidade"];

            echo json_encode($linhas);

2 answers


You have a problem with the server, which is why Javascript does not work.

You must change

$linhas[] = $jm["Cidade"];


$linhas[] = array(
    "cidade" => $jm["Cidade"],
    "cidadeid " => $jm["IdCidade"]

for it to pass not a simple array with the name of cities but rather objects that you can iterate and search for properties in Javascript later.

  • Perfect Sergio. It worked. Thank you so much for your promptness.

  • Hi Sergio. I don’t know if I would have to open another post, but now that I’ve realized it, I believe I can take advantage of this doubt. Your help is working, but now was to realize that Idcidade returns Undefined. I already checked the bank and the nomenclature, as well as the value, are correct.


Very Good.. Worked Here Using Office and Department However when use in the city is not returning anything


include "connection.php";

$ufid = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'ufid', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); //$ufid = 48; if ($ufid) { $query = mysqli_query($Conn, "SELECT idCidade, nameCidade FROM tbCidade WHERE fkEstado =" . $ufid . ""); $lines = array(); while ($Jm = mysqli_fetch_array($query)) { $lines[] = array( "city" => $Jm["city name"], "citadel " => $Jm["idCity"] ); }

echo json_encode($linhas);

} ?>

$(Document). ready(Function() { $('#carrEst'). change(Function(e) { $('#carrCid'). Empty(); var id = $(this). val(); $. post('.. /include/carrCid.php', {ufid:id}, Function(data){ var cmb = 'Select the City'; $. each(date, Function (index, value){ cmb = cmb + '' + value.city + ';; }); $('#carrCid'). html(cmb); }, 'json'); }); });

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