Count elements within a parent div separately


Viewed 4,704 times


In Jquery it is possible to count the number of equal Ivs within another using the $(".pai .filha").length;. Example:

<div class="pai">
    <div class="filha"></div>
    <div class="filha"></div>

In the example above I will have as a result of my count the number 2, but if I use twice or more the same hierarchy of classes in another block the count remains as one

<div class="pai" data-childs="">
    <div class="filha"></div>
    <div class="filha"></div>
    <div class="filha"></div>

<div class="pai" data-chils="">
    <div class="filha"></div>
    <div class="filha"></div>

In the example above I will have as a result the number 5! I would then like to know if it is possible to count these blocks individually and apply the result of that count within the attribute data-childs of div father belonging!

In other words in the first block I would like the result of this 3 and in the second block the result is 2, and applies this result within the date-Childs, being data-childs="3" // data-childs="2", respectively!

2 answers


A brief description of the selectors jQuery, when you define a selector Jquery scans the DOM and groups all the results of the respective query, in your code example you used the following query;

$(".pai .filha").length;

This query consists as follows: all elements with the daughter class that are within an element with the parent class, summarizing considering the way you structured your HTML all Divs with the daughter class fall into this rule so the result of the query would be 5.

As unfortunately jQuery does not allow us to group the child nodes given to their parents in a simple way to solve their problem a more appropriate approach would be to group the parent poles, go through the respective ones and count the number of children.

But since not everything in this life is flowers, let’s talk about the prototype $.data which we use in the example below to set the value of the data-Childs parameter, unfortunately this feature arrow the value however it does not force a gift update ie that date will only be accessible via javascript and if you try to view the parameter by Firebug or Inspector of Chrome, you will realize that the HTML remains the same and if you try to access by CSS or similar will not work either, so if you intend to use the date value for purposes other than javascript only, beware of replacing the resource $.data for $.attr.

Below is a snippet attesting to the statements made above.

  $(this).data('childs', $(this).children('.filha').size())

// Confirmando os valores do atributo data da primeira div, você deve remover na implementação.
// Confirmando os valores do atributo data da segunda div, você deve remover na implementação.

// Provando que o data-setado pelo jQuery não necessariamente atualiza o DOM
// Colocando o data da segunda div como parameter(atualiza o DOM) e o css reconhece o atributo.
$('.pai:eq(1)').attr('data-childs', $('.pai:eq(1)').data('childs'))
.pai { background: #ccc; padding: 20px; text-align: center; margin: 25px 0; }
.pai:after {
   content: attr(data-childs); display: block; text-align: center; color: blue;
.filha { background: #fff; width: 50px; height: 50px; display: inline-block; }
<script src=""></script>
<div class="pai">
    <div class="filha"></div>
    <div class="filha"></div>
    <div class="filha"></div>

<div class="pai">
    <div class="filha"></div>
    <div class="filha"></div>


In this case you will have to go through the parent selector to access the children and tell, the way you are doing is searched all the elements at once.


$.each($(".pai"), function(key, val) {
  var qtFilhas = $(this).find('.filha').length;
  $(this).attr('data-childs', qtFilhas);
  document.body.innerHTML += qtFilhas;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="pai" data-childs="">
  <div class="filha"></div>
  <div class="filha"></div>
  <div class="filha"></div>

<div class="pai" data-childs="">
  <div class="filha"></div>
  <div class="filha"></div>

  • Gabriel, the $(this).data('childs', value) does not update the data-childs, you must use the this.dataset.childs = value or $(this).attr('data-childs', value).

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