Paging inside modal window in bootstrap


Viewed 2,405 times


I have a modal window in bootstrap, and inside it a pagination, it happens that every time I click on some pagination link, the modal closes. Does anyone know how I keep the modal open?


$.post("busca-usuarios.php", {busca: busca, id_profile: id_profile},function(data) {



include realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/includes/init.php';
include realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/includes/function.php';
include realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/includes/class.paginacao.php';
//include realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/includes/sistema.paginacao.php';

$paginaAtual = fRequest::get('paginaAtual');
if (!isset($paginaAtual)) {
    $paginaAtual = 1;

$busca = fRequest::get('busca');
$id_profile = fRequest::get('id_profile');
$profile = listaPerfis($id_profile);
$array = fRecordSet::build('FidUser', array('display_name~' => $busca),     array(), 20, $paginaAtual);
$total = fRecordSet::build('FidUser', array('display_name~' => $busca));

$link = "sistema-edit.php?profile=" . $id_profile . "&busca=" . $busca .     "&paginaAtual=";
$count = $total->count();
echo '<table class="table table-striped table-hover tablesorter table-    instituicao-usuario-list table-obra-list">';
echo '
  <th class="text-center">Adicionar</th>

echo "<tbody>";

foreach ($array as $key => $nome) {

    echo "<tr>";
    echo "<td><h5><a href='usuario-edit.php'>" . $nome->getDisplayName() . "</a></h5><input type='hidden' name='hidden_id_profile' value='" . $nome->getFidUserId() . "'/>";
    echo "<td>" . $nome->getUserEmail() . "</td>";
    echo "<td><select name='select_profile' id='select_profile' class='form-control'><option value='0' selected='selected'>Selecione</option>";

    for ($i = 0; $i < count($profile); $i++) {
        echo "<option value='" . $profile[$i]['id'] . "'>" . $profile[$i]    ['name'] . "</option>";
    echo "</select></td>";
    echo "<td class='text-center'><a class='btn btn-success btn-xs' href='#'><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-plus'></span></a></td>";
    echo "</tr>";

echo "</tbody>";

echo "<table id='pag'><tr><td>" . Paginacao::pagination($count, count($array), 10, $paginaAtual, $link, 20) . "</td></tr></table>";


class Paginacao {

    static function pagination($count, $total, $max, $current, $link, $size = 0) {

        $total = intval($total);
        $max = intval($max);
        $current = intval($current);
        $size = intval($size);
        $numbers = ceil($count / 20);
        $pages = ceil($total / $max);
        $preview = $current === 1 ? "" : "<li><a href=\"" . $link . ($current - 1) . "\" class=\"previous-link\">Anterior</a></li>";

        if ($total > 0) {
            $next = $current === $pages ? "" : "<li><a href=\"" . $link . ($current + 1) . "\" class=\"next-link\">Próximo</a></li>";
        } else {
            $next = "";

        $return = "<div id=\"pagination\" class=\"text-center\"><ul class=\"pagination\">";
        $return.= $preview;

        for ($i = 1; $i <= $numbers; $i++) {
            $return .= "<li><a href='" . $link . $i . "'>" . $i . "</a></li>";

        $return.= "</ul></div>";

        return $return;
  • 1

    Can you include your code? If possible, a small example that reproduces the problem.

  • Are your pagination links being followed? (That is, the page reloads?) If it does not reload, you missed posting the relevant javascript.

  • Then the page reloads, knowing how to avoid it

2 answers


Try the following Javascript/jQuery:

$(document).on('click', '.pagination a', function(e){
    $.get(this.href, function(data) {
  • So I tried, but he carries twice the same table

  • Do you have more than one table in the same document? The above code has them replaced by the return of the ajax request.

  • I have more than one yes. It is that now I have no way to test, but tomorrow when I get to work I put the other code, maybe if in place of 'table' I put the id of the table itself and able to work, anyway, tomorrow I come back here Thanks for now

  • That @Daniel, put $('#id_da_tabela') instead of $('table') must solve.

  • Yeah, buddy, it didn’t work out, not even putting the id on the table


I managed to solve the problem, maybe not in the best way, but it’s working. Follow:

$("#btn-busca").click(function(e) {
        var busca = $("#busca").val();
        var id_profile = $("#id_profile").val();
        //var str = "busca-usuarios.php?id_profile=" + id_profile + "&busca=" + busca;
        loadTabela(busca, id_profile, "");

    function loadTabela($busca, $id_profile, $paginaAtual) {
        var busca = $busca;
        var id_profile = $id_profile;
        var paginaAtual = $paginaAtual;
        if (paginaAtual == "") {
            $.post("busca-usuarios.php", {busca: busca, id_profile: id_profile}, function(data) {
                $(".pagination a").attr('onClick', 'alerta(event,this.href)');
            $.post("busca-usuarios.php", {busca: busca, id_profile: id_profile, paginaAtual: paginaAtual}, function(data) {
                $(".pagination a").attr('onClick', 'paginacao(event,this.href)');

    function paginacao(e, link) {
        var url = link;
        if (url.indexOf("?") > 0) {
            query = url.split("?");
            param = query[1].split("&");
            for (i = 0; i < param.length; i++) {
                v = param[i].split("=");
                eval("var " + v[0] + "='" + v[1] + "';");
        var busca = busca;
        var id_profile = profile;            
        var paginaAtual = paginaAtual;
  • You can choose your answer as the correct one for the question, thus indicating to whom to read which chosen as the best solution found.

  • someone could reactivate this topic, because I have this same question but nobody answers me when I open the question, and only now I found this topic

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