How do I access and set a class variable made in C++ passes to Lua?
// C++
#include "HTest.h"
#include <luajit/lua.hpp>
#include <iostream>
struct HObject {
unsigned int id;
std::string name;
float x, y, z;
float sx, sy, sz;
float u, v;
id = 1;
static bool checkFunctionArgs(lua_State* ls, const char* fname, unsigned int nargs)
int fnargs = lua_gettop(ls) - 1;
if(fnargs < (int)nargs)
std::cout << "LuaScriptError: " << fname << "() need at least %d parameter(" << nargs << ")\n" << std::endl;;
return true;
if(fnargs > (int)nargs)
std::cout << "LuaScriptError: " << fname << "() takes " << nargs << " positional arguments but " << fnargs << " were given" << std::endl;
return true;
return false;
HObject* HObject_check(lua_State* ls, int index)
void* ud = 0;
luaL_checktype(ls, index, LUA_TTABLE);
lua_getfield(ls, index, "__self");
ud = luaL_checkudata(ls, index, "HObject:new");
luaL_argcheck(ls, ud != 0, 0, "'HObject:new' expected");
return *((HObject**)ud);
static int HObject_newHObject(lua_State* ls)
if(checkFunctionArgs(ls, "HObjec:new", 0)){
return 0;
luaL_checktype(ls, 1, LUA_TTABLE);
lua_pushvalue(ls, 1);
lua_setmetatable(ls, -2);
lua_pushvalue(ls, 1);
lua_setfield(ls, 1, "__index");
HObject** obj = (HObject**)lua_newuserdata(ls, sizeof(HObject*));
*obj = new HObject();
luaL_getmetatable(ls, "HObject:new");
lua_setmetatable(ls, -2);
lua_setfield(ls, -2, "__self");
return 1;
static int HObject_destructor(lua_State* ls)
HObject* obj = HObject_check(ls, 1);
delete obj;
return 1;
void HTest_register(lua_State* ls)
static const luaL_Reg hobjec_funcs[] = {
{"new", HObject_newHObject},
{"__gc", HObject_destructor},
luaL_newmetatable(ls, "HObject:new");
luaL_register(ls, 0, hobjec_funcs);
lua_pushvalue(ls, -1);
lua_setfield(ls, -2, "__index");
luaL_register(ls, "HObject", hobjec_funcs);
-- Lua
local obj = HObject:new() -- OK
obj.variavel = 10 -- Exemplo de escrever na variável
print(obj.variavel) -- Exemplo de acessar variável
I want to access and write in the variable, but I do not know how to lynch the same in Lua. I have already lynched the class HOBject
along with its functions, only missing variables.
Talesm, thank you for the answer. I did it with getter and even Setter :/. But how is this done in Luabind for example?
– Walberti Evaristo
I don’t know much about Luabind, but I know that it automates a lot using templates. But underneath it all he calls the Moon API, so he must implement one of these techniques underneath the scenes.
– TalesM