error starting apache tom cat(home page) HTTP state 404


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when I am starting the tom cat(localhost:8080) the following State HTTP 404 error is happening, and does not show the initial page of the tone cat.

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cat tone log

Ene 21, 2016 11:53:41 AM org.apache.Talina.startup.Versionloggerlistener log INFORMACIÓN: Server version: Apache Tomcat/8.0.30 Ene 21, 2016 11:53:41 AM org.apache.Talina.startup.Versionloggerlistener log INFORMACIÓN: Server built: Dec 1 2015 22:30:46 UTC Ene 21, 2016 11:53:41 AM org.apache.Talina.startup.Versionloggerlistener log INFORMACIÓN: Server number: Ene 21, 2016 11:53:41 AM org.apache.Talina.startup.Versionloggerlistener log INFORMATION: OS Name: Linux Ene 21, 2016 11:53:41 AM org.apache.Talina.startup.Versionloggerlistener log INFORMATION: OS Version: 3.19.0-25-Generic Ene 21, 2016 11:53:41 AM org.apache.Talina.startup.Versionloggerlistener log INFORMACIÓN: Architecture: amd64 Ene 21, 2016 11:53:41 AM org.apache.Talina.startup.Versionloggerlistener log INFORMACIÓN: Java Home: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre Ene 21, 2016 11:53:41 AM org.apache.Talina.startup.Versionloggerlistener log INFORMATION: JVM Version: 1.8.0_66-B17 Ene 21, 2016 11:53:41 AM org.apache.Talina.startup.Versionloggerlistener log INFORMACIÓN: JVM Vendor: Oracle Corporation Ene 21, 2016 11:53:41 AM org.apache.Talina.startup.Versionloggerlistener log INFORMACIÓN: CATALINA_BASE: /home/fernandounix/Workspace/. Metadata/. plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp0 Ene 21, 2016 11:53:41 AM org.apache.Talina.startup.Versionloggerlistener log INFORMATION: CATALINA_HOME: /home/fernandounix/Downloads/apache-Tomcat-8.0.30 Ene 21, 2016 11:53:41 AM org.apache.Talina.startup.Versionloggerlistener log INFORMACIÓN: Command line argument: -Dcatalina.base=/home/fernandounix/Workspace/. Metadata/. plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp0 Ene 21, 2016 11:53:41 AM org.apache.Talina.startup.Versionloggerlistener log INFORMACIÓN: Command line argument: -Dcatalina.home=/home/fernandounix/Descargas/apache-Tomcat-8.0.30 Ene 21, 2016 11:53:41 AM org.apache.Talina.startup.Versionloggerlistener log INFORMACIÓN: Command line argument: -Dwtp.deploy=/home/fernandounix/Workspace/. Metadata/. plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp0/wtpwebapps Ene 21, 2016 11:53:41 AM org.apache.Talina.startup.Versionloggerlistener log INFORMACIÓN: Command line argument: -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/home/fernandounix/Downloads/apache-Tomcat-8.0.30/endorsed Ene 21, 2016 11:53:41 AM org.apache.Talina.startup.Versionloggerlistener log INFORMACIÓN: Command line argument: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 Ene 21, 2016 11:53:41 AM org.apache.Catalina.core.Aprlifecyclelistener lifecycleEvent INFORMACIÓN: The native library of Apache Tomcat based on ARP that allows optimal performance in development environments in java.library.path: /usr/java/Packages/lib/amd64:/usr/lib64:/lib64:/lib:/usr/lib Ene 21, 2016 11:53:41 AM org.apache.Coyote.Abstractprotocol init INFORMACIÓN: Initializing Protocolhandler ["http-nio-8080"] Ene 21, 2016 11:53:41 AM getSharedSelector INFORMACIÓN: Using a Shared selector for Servlet write/read Ene 21, 2016 11:53:41 AM org.apache.Coyote.Abstractprotocol init INFORMACIÓN: Initializing Protocolhandler ["ajp-nio-8009"] Ene 21, 2016 11:53:41 AM getSharedSelector INFORMACIÓN: Using a Shared selector for Servlet write/read Ene 21, 2016 11:53:41 AM org.apache.Catalina.startup.Catalina load INFORMACIÓN: Initialization processed in 812 ms Ene 21, 2016 11:53:41 AM org.apache.Talina.core.Standardservice startInternal INFORMATION: Arrancando servicio Catalina Ene 21, 2016 11:53:41 AM org.apache.Talina.core.Standardengine startInternal INFORMACIÓN: Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/8.0.30 Ene 21, 2016 11:53:42 AM org.apache.Coyote.Abstractprotocol start INFORMACIÓN: Starting Protocolhandler ["http-nio-8080"] Ene 21, 2016 11:53:42 AM org.apache.Coyote.Abstractprotocol start INFORMACIÓN: Starting Protocolhandler ["ajp-nio-8009"] Ene 21, 2016 11:53:42 AM org.apache.Catalina.startup.Catalina start start INFORMACIÓN: Server startup in 344 ms

  • There’s something in your briefcase webapps?

  • What folder is that? I didn’t find it, I’m ultilizing the eclipse IDE

  • You need to put the application on Tomcat before it goes up. Tomcat is working normally. Something like this should help you, even though it’s version 5.5, the concept is the same.

  • then when I put the project to run it runs, more if I am not mistaken I accessed localhost:8080 and appeared apache tom cat page but it is not appearing

  • Try accessing the path context of your application. For application servers integrated with the IDE, this is required. Ex: http://localhost:8080/appname

  • Is this just the installation of Tomcat 8? Are you trying to run an application other than the Tomcat home page? Are you trying to run Tomcat through Eclipse? There is still a lot of information missing here.

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2 answers


By logging Tomcat started without errors, but it seems that there is no application deployed on it, you can check and/or deploy the applications on Tomcat https://localhost:8080/manager , in the manager you get the list of installed applications on the server and their status. Below the image of Tomcat Manager, with the applications that come by default, besides these should be yours, if it is already installed.

Tomcat Manager

With your application deployed to access it you must enter the full path , http://localhost:8080/app name .


Your application should be inserted into the webapps folder, usually located in the Tomcat installation directory.

After this you can access the application through the link "localhost:8080/nomination".

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