C# Parallel.Foreach Javascript equivalent


Viewed 360 times


I’m trying to write methods with behavior similar to Array.prototype.forEach and the Array.prototype.map, but using multiple threads.

In the case of Array.prototype.parallelMap, I did the following:

Array.prototype.parallelMap = function (callback, complete) {
  var self = this;
  var count = 1;
  var result = [];
  var onmessage = "onmessage = " + function (event) {  	
    var indice = event.data[0];
    var object = event.data[1]; 

    var result = callback(object, indice)
    postMessage([indice, result]);
  callback = "var callback = " + callback.toString();

  var blob = new Blob([onmessage, "\n\r", callback], { type: 'text/javascript' });
  var _url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);

  var onmessage = function (event) {
    result[event.data[0]] = event.data[1];
    if (self.length == count++) {

  self.forEach(function (object, indice) {
    var worker = new Worker(_url);
    worker.onmessage = onmessage;
    worker.postMessage([indice, object]);

var numeros = [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9];

numeros.parallelMap(function (numero, indice) {
  return numero + Math.random();
}, function (result) {

but to Array.prototype.parallelForEach i need to be able to modify the collection within the function, my callback function should serve only to inform that I have finished interacting the collection:

Array.prototype.parallelForEach = function (callback, finish) { ... };

var numeros = [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9];
numeros.parallelMap(function (numero, indice) {
    numero += Math.random(); //não estou conseguindo persistir esta modificação.
}, function () {
    console.log(numeros); // os valores da coleção numeros deveriam está alterados neste ponto.
  • Can you be a little clearer about what your problem is? You need to parallelForEach the collection is modified? Or the function parallelMap is not passing the modified collection to callback?

  • @Guilhermenagatomo, the parallelMap is ok, the problem here is to modify the collection in parallelForEach

1 answer


To modify the collection within the function onmessage, you need to use a reference to the collection itself (self), instead of the variable 'result':

self[event.data[0]] = event.data[1];

Just to complement the answer:

The Parallel.Foreach method in the framework. NET performs a processing on each of the elements of an array (map) and this processing may or may not be done using parallelism.

At the time of execution of the method, the . NET evaluates available resources (e.g., number of processors and memory) and the amount of processing available on the machine to determine whether:

  • it is worth or not to run the map operation in parallel
  • in how many threads the work will be divided (if there is an advantage in parallelism)

Assuming your Javascript code runs on a web page, you have no way to access all of this system information to decide whether it’s worth running parallel.

Even if you prefer to 'force' parallel execution, you need to determine how many threads will run the service, and for that you need to know, for example, how many processors (physical and logical) are available in the system, because if the number of threads exceeds the number of available cores, there may be a loss of performance.

In your code, you are creating a thread per element of the array and it will probably reduce performance as the effort to create threads will be much greater than the gain with parallel processing.

A common solution for this type of implementation is to create a pool of threads and divide the array into parts, which will be processed separately on each thread.

In the method onmessage, the code of pool collect results and update array elements.

After the last thread runs, you call callback finish.

An important point that needs to be evaluated is also that communication between the main thread and the Workers is done by copying the parameters and not by reference, and this can generate performance loss depending on the algorithm you will implement.

Below is a commented example of the implementation of this concept with a pool 4-threaded, but, do not recommend the use of this code in any production environment.

A suggestion for you to test the above concepts, is you implement a "stopwatch" and do several tests with different array sizes (small, medium, giant), with different thread numbers and, if possible, on different machines (with different processor quantities) to observe implementation behavior and performance.

// Determina o número de threads no pool

// Cria o método parallelMap
Array.prototype.parallelMap = function (callback, finish) {
    var self = this;
    // Pool de threads
    var pool = [];
    // Status da thread. false => já terminou o trabalho
    var status = [];

    // Corpo do objeto Worker
    var source = "onmessage = " + function (event) {
        // Posição no array
        var posicao = event.data[0];
        // Trecho do array a ser processado
        var dados = event.data[1];
        // Callback de processamento
        eval("var cb = " + event.data[2]);
        // ID da thread
        var id = event.data[3]

        // Efetua o processamento do trecho do array
        for (var i=0; i<dados.length; i++)
            dados[i] = cb(dados[i], i);
        // Retorna o resultado
        postMessage([id, posicao, dados]);
        // Finaliza o Worker

    var blob = new Blob([source], { type: 'text/javascript' });
    var _url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);

    // Cria um pool de workers
    for (var i=0; i<NUMERO_DE_THREADS; i++) {
        // Seta o status do worker como true => trabalhando
        status[i] = true;
        // Cria o Worker
        pool[i] = new Worker(_url);
        // Processa o retorno do Worker
        pool[i].onmessage = function(e) {
            var id = e.data[0];
            var posicao = e.data[1];
            var resultado = e.data[2];
            // Atualiza o array com os resultados
            for (var j=0; j<resultado.length; j++)
                self[posicao+j] = resultado[j];
            // Sinaliza que este Worker terminou o trabalho
            status[id] = false;
            // Retorna se algum Worker ainda estiver trabalhando
            for (var j=0; j<NUMERO_DE_THREADS; j++)
                if (status[j])
            // Todos terminaram o trabalho, chama o callback finish

    // Calcula o tamanho do trabalho de cada Worker, divindo o tamanho
    // do array pelo número de threads
    var tamanhoDoTrabalho = Math.floor(self.length / NUMERO_DE_THREADS);

    // Inicia o trabalho do pool e envia cada parte do array para
    // um Worker
    var posicao = 0;
    for (var i=0; i<NUMERO_DE_THREADS; i++) {
        var trabalho;

        if (i<NUMERO_DE_THREADS-1)
            trabalho = self.slice(posicao, posicao+tamanhoDoTrabalho);
            trabalho = self.slice(posicao);
        pool[i].postMessage([posicao, trabalho, callback.toString(), i]);
        posicao += tamanhoDoTrabalho;

var numeros = [7, 2, 4, 6, 8, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9];

numeros.parallelMap(function (numero, indice) {
        return numero + Math.random()*200;
    , function (resultado) {
        console.log(resultado); // os valores da coleção numeros deveriam está alterados neste ponto.


In response to the comment on not using the return inside the callback, in this case it is necessary to access the element of the array through the parameter indice, because the element is not passed by reference to the callback function, therefore it cannot be updated directly.

Changing the line:

dados[i] = cb(dados[i], i);


cb(dados, i);

The function callbackyou won’t need the return.

Thus, the function call parallelMap is as follows:

numeros.parallelMap(function (numero, indice) {
            numero[indice] += Math.random()*200;
        , function (resultado) {

Libraries for parallel execution in Javascript:

Parallel.js - Parallel Computing with Javascript

Hamsters.js | Parallel Javascript

js threads.

Inline Worker

  • The idea here was to make the method Array.prototype.forEach and Array.prototype.map, but making use of Workers, the System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel served only as inspiration for the challenge. one of the characteristics of the forEach is the absence of return, if to use the return, could very well use the map as follows: var array = array.map(function (item, indice) { return item * 2; }) which would be the same as numeros.parallelMap(function (numero, indice) { return numero + Math.random()*200; }, function (resultado) { numeros = resultado; });

  • And as for the issue of the degree of parallelism, I don’t see how a good practice you force a pool that simulates the new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 4 }, for example, if the client uses a CPU with only two nuclei and no hyper-threading, then we will have at most two Workers working in parallel.

  • Hi @Tobymosque ! I put an update on the reply about the return. I hope it helps!! Really, it is not a good practice to force the pool because, as I put in the answer, the script does not have access to information from Runtime in the same way as . NET, to determine whether there will be parallelism and the ideal number of threads that will be executed (if any). Anyway, I believe that if you really need to use this code in production, probably force the pool will be better than creating a Worker per array element.

  • This won’t work either, the Worker work in a completely different scope from pagina principal, no way there is the sharing of variables, the communication between the Worker and the Page is only through messages.

  • 1

    now that I’ve seen your issue, I really like Parallel.JS

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