Cakephp version 1.3.15 Error 500


Viewed 214 times


I’m working on a project in Cakephp that I can’t test on localhost.

I took the project already started and as I can not do the tests, put straight keeping always the backup and work like this is horrible.

I installed Cakephp in version 1.3.15 which is the same as the one on the server and is working perfectly. I can run any version of Cakephp except the one running on the web.

I tested it on a virtualized Centos 6.7 server running PHP 5.3.3 and apache and it still didn’t work.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

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    Check the log output, and if possible, edit the question with it.

  • How do I do it, @Marcelodeandrade?

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    In the directory /app/tmp/logs/ there must be a file created by Cake itself.

  • Take a look if the debug (Config core.php app) is as in 2 -> Configure::write(debug, 2); .

  • @Marcosxavier. It is in if Else. How should it look then? ;'if (stristr($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], 'servidor') === false) 
 Configure::write('debug', 0);
 Configure::write('debug', 2);

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    @fabricio_wm Comment on this snippet you quoted and leave it with Configure::write('debug', 2); In production leave Configure::write('debug', 0); If it works comment here.

  • @Marcosxavier. It worked. Now I see all the errors. How do I sample your screen print?

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2 answers


Normalised after giving the following command:

chmod -R 777 ArqRio


Fabricio, error 500 is an internal error of the server. You have to see what is in the log.

When I develop php I always choose to do it on linux. My indication would be virtualization.

I suggest you take a look at Linux Turnkey:

To start a development, there is Openshift, by Red Hat, which is free and, for testing and study, and it is very interesting. After creating the account, create a Application using the Githib Cakephp project

  • Gee, I even know how to do virtualization but on this computer I don’t have that option. It is not compatible with virtualization. I’ll see what I do. Thanks.

  • But I have other cake projects that work on this "Server". Vc would have another suggestion, @Andre?

  • Virtualbox runs on any computer. You can put 64 MB of memory and run smoothly.

  • The other suggestion is you edit the question as Marcelo said and share with us the log.

  • 1

    I found a better solution for your tests. Create an openshift account from Red Hat, which is free, and instance the Githib project link and uses for its development.

  • The problem is not the Virtual Box or VM, but the machine that does not support virtualization. I liked the last tip, @Andre. I’m going to test it.Thank you..

  • I am going up a Centos 6.7 text mode machine and I will post the results here. I am in a note and I went up via Virtualbox. Thanks.

  • I got it now and it worked on Openshift but I got more worried because on the Centos server I went up, it didn’t work. Is it some php or apache module that is not active?

  • can be yes. Good that Openshift solved.

  • I added the Openshift option to the response. Don’t forget to mark the solution as the correct answer. Abs.

  • You solved a part. Now I have a testing environment. I would like to continue and make it work. I gave a chmod 777 ArqRio and unfortunately did not solve. How do I check the log and find the error?

  • The application link is but I need to work on my local linux server. The application has links pointing to the original website and I have already checked Routes.php and the controllers and links are the same but with different results.

  • 1

    Marcelo suggested in the comments of his question where the log should be. If not, try in /var/log/apache2/. In this folder must be the error log and the access one. Good luck!

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