In what situations use each prototype type in HTML elements?


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In "prototypes" I have used several times the Element.prototype and the HTMLElement.prototype. I wanted to know what is each and what is the difference between them in example, if possible. Because in some tests, like these, I had the same result:

HTMLElement.prototype.tooltip(); // funciona com um elemento normalmente

Element.prototype.tooltip(); // funciona com o mesmo elemento normalmente

Could someone show me the practical difference between the two, if not some concept or specification.

Another question that is while the NodeList.prototype, I know until the moment I can use it to, for example, the document.querySelectorAll('elemento'). But I guess I’d have to wear one forEach and apply a prototype already existing, thus:

HTMLElement.prototype.tooltip = function(){
NodeList.prototype.tooltip = function(){
  [], function(el){ // O NodeList dessa Linha, como usá-lo?
    el.tooltip() // tooltip já criado para elementos em particulares

In the forEach I’m trying to use the NodeList as an Array, could also use the Array.from(), but what I pass as parameter instead of "Nodelist", the this doesn’t work...

Thank you in advance.

  • 2

    You already have the answer, I just wanted to point out that generally extending this type of prototype is not recommended, due to the particularities of its implementation and the possibility of collisions with properties that can be added to the specification in the future.

  • 1

    @bfavaretto, I just started reading because I’m a little busy... but already taking a general superfial look, I found it very interesting.

1 answer


Samir, Element represents whatever element in the Document, be it text, html, svg, xml, etc.

Htmlelement represents only HTML elements, for example a <div>, <input>, elements such as <svg> implement the interface SVGElement.

In this way, HtmlElement is based Element, so what do you want to include in the Element will reflect on all interfaces you have Element as a basis, such as HTMLElement and SVGelement.

Note that Element in turn is based on the interface Node and NodeList is a collection of Node. If you wish only the HTMLElement are affected, so do the following:

NodeList.prototype.forEach = function (callback) {
  var indice = 0;
  [], function (element) {
    if (element instanceof HTMLElement) {
      callback(element, indice);

var blocos = document.querySelectorAll(".bloco");
blocos.forEach(function (element, indice) {
	console.log(element, indice);
<div class="bloco"></div>
<div class="bloco"></div>
<div class="bloco"></div>
<svg class="bloco"></svg>
<div class="bloco"></div>

Now the same code without checking the Element type.

NodeList.prototype.forEach = function (callback) {
  [], function (element, indice) {
    callback(element, indice);

var blocos = document.querySelectorAll(".bloco");
blocos.forEach(function (element, indice) {
	console.log(element, indice);
<div class="bloco"></div>
<div class="bloco"></div>
<div class="bloco"></div>
<svg class="bloco"></svg>
<div class="bloco"></div>

If you wish the tooltip() cannot be applied on a <svg>, then use HTMLElement.prototype, otherwise use Element.prototype

  • Tobymosque, thank you very much for your reply, took up another question of mine...

  • @Samirbraga, what would be the other doubt?

  • It was the question of this no Nodelist.. But I still have another question, but I do not know if it is the case to post another question. For example, in the tooltip I created, it may or may not receive an object as an argument, if yes, it will be stylized if it does not receive the default css. But when I use the nodelist it doesn’t work...

  • Oops.. Problem solved, I can’t even explain. it was something very specific, but now it’s working.. Thanks..

  • 1

    Toby, it’s worth the warning I left upstairs ;)

  • 1

    @bfavaretto, thanks for the alert, in particular I prefer to create a "Class" that receives the Htmlelement, in case I would var ToopTip = function(element) { ... };, but this is already a matter of preference.

  • 1

    I also think wrapping the native object in another is the best way to solve.

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