Fill textfield with the description corresponding to the value selected in a combobox


Viewed 368 times


I have in my view a select that receives data from functions and lists.

<select id="id_mfuncao" name="id_mfuncao" class="form-control">
    <option value=""><< selecione >></option>
    @foreach($mfuncoes as $mfuncao)
        <option value="{{ $mfuncao->id }}">{{ $mfuncao->nome }}</option>

Apart from id and name, I also get the description of the functions. How can I load the description of the selected function into a textfield?

<input readonly="" type="text" id="descricao" name="descricao" class="form-control">

I don’t think we need to use ajax to search again for the value since I already have it loaded, but I lack knowledge and could not find a term to search for a solution on the web.

This is the data I get from the function:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

When "Officer General..." is selected I want to show the description in the textfield.

  • Do you use jQuery in your project? A solution can be made with jQuery or even pure Javascript.

  • I use jQuery yes.

1 answer


Assign the description in your options

Since you are already using the value and text of the option, you can create an additional attribute in option. Behold date-*

@foreach($mfuncoes as $mfuncao)
    <option value="{{ $mfuncao->id }}" data-descricao="{{ $mfuncao->descricao}}">
        {{ $mfuncao->nome }}

Assign the selected value to the input

Add the event on change at the select and get the value of option selected or the text and assign to the input.

  • .val() gets the value of the selected option
  • $("option:selected", this).text() gets the text of the selected option
  • $("option:selected", this).data('descricao') gets the value of the named date attribute of the description

See in practice:

$('body').on('change', '#mySelect', function() {
  $('#txtText').val($("option:selected", this).text());
  $('#txtData').val($("option:selected", this).data('descricao'))

<script src=""></script>
<select id="mySelect">
  <option value="1" data-descricao="Descrição 1">Valor 1</option>
  <option value="2" data-descricao="Descrição 2">Valor 2</option>
<p>Value:<input readonly="" type="text" id="txtValue"></p>
<p>Text:<input readonly="" type="text" id="txtText"></p>
<p>Data:<input readonly="" type="text" id="txtData"></p>

  • So, but in case I would be displaying in the name of the function in the description field, and that’s not quite what I want. I get id, name and description of the function, and it is the description I want to show there in the textfield and not the name.

  • I believe I have to play {{ $mfuncao->Descricao}} somewhere in select or option to send it to textfield later, but I don’t know how.

  • You can create the attribute data-* to save any other information in options. See the edited example using this attribute.

  • 1

    Show!! Exactly that, thank you so much!

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