You can run the same site on different domains


Viewed 1,358 times


I have my website and I have 3 different domains.

I would like to know if there is any way to run the same website in these domains.

  • Of course it is possible you just upload the same files to other ftp’s

  • 4

    Or point the three domains to the same folder.

3 answers


Yeah, there’s a way. But don’t do it.

Why not use the "same site" on multiple domains?

Because of indexing and other Google rules.

This is because Google treats rigorously duplicate content on the internet, incorrect notes and missing pages/content (HTTP 404) or duplication of content.

What’s the right way to do it?

Permanent redirection: HTTP 301

Summing up what this means: you’re saying that every time a user accesses you want to redirect it to so PERMANENT.

Google recommends using HTTP 301 redirect to change the URL of a page that is displayed in search results thus avoiding HTTP 404

Then it would look like this: when the user enters the websites:


He will be redirected to:


That’s the right way.

How do I do it?

There are several options:

  • .htaccess (Apache mod_rewrite)
  • VirtualHost
  • Redirecting your own application/framework
  • Your Hosting Dashboard: Cpanel/Plesk

Example with .htaccess

Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on
Redirect 301 /

That one .htaccess must be placed at the root of each site/domain your.


  • In Shared Hosting: redirection through the panel (Cpanel/Plesk)
  • Cloud/VPS: redirecting by <VirtualHost> Apache or through a similar configuration in Nginx or HHVM.
  • Excellent explanation, not only answered the question but suggested something better!

  • @Philip thank you!

  • Which URL appears in the user’s browser after redirect? or official I’m looking for something similar. I have several domains and they should point to the same ftp folder where there is a template of these sites. But I want to know if in this redirect the URL in the address bar REMAINS the one that was typed by the user and if it is possible to pass some parameter, eg: id=1. When the user accesses site1.with the application must connect the API that contains the settings of that site, if it accesses site2.with the application would connect to another API and so on.

  • The answer is old but there is a doubt. If I have a version of the site in English in a domain .com and another in Portuguese in a domain (same code, only with translated content), Google understands this difference or also considers as duplicate?


Depends on Ocaweb has many flaws(at least with me had) however this option exists.

Domain Registration >Change > here you have an option 'change browser address'

Check with your hosting service if there is something similar.



The company that registered your domains probably has an administrative panel for you where it is possible to configure the functioning of these.

Among the settings you can choose options, such as redirecting several domains to a single main domain or redirecting them all to the same IP address. So everyone enters the same site using only one FTP.

If you have any questions about how to do this, I recommend contacting the company that hired the domains, as the step-by-step setup can change from one panel to another.

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