Value between Asp.Net forms C#


Viewed 86 times


Boa Tarde Personal I’m taking the value of a gridview so far so good:

gridCadastro.GetRowValues(gridCadastro.GetFocusedRowIndex(), 'id_cliente', OnGetRowValues);

Now I need to take this value and move to an Aspxbutton of one meter.master, but I could not via via

<%@ PreviousPageType VirtualPath="~/SourcePage.aspx" %> 
  • you want to pass to another form?

  • Please explain this better.

  • Well let’s go.. I have an application where a metro.master file gets the default buttons. And on the other side I have a form with a gridview. The idea is when the user clicks on gridview, the id of the Row is passed to metro.master as a parameter for any functions.

1 answer


In his Masterpage, place a field Hiddenfield id you want.

From your screen, to use:

(Masterpage.findcontrol("Id_do_hiddenfield_da_master_page") as HiddenField).value = "VALOR";
  • I tried as informed and returned the following error: Syntax error, unrecognized Expression: Unsupported pseudo: Hiddenfield

  • could explain me better your idea.... I am new to c#, and I did not intend to

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