How do I adjust the views to make them small independent of the device?


Viewed 40 times


I made an application where I create part of the interface in xml and part via java code, the xml part works in any application adapting the screen size. The part via code in a 7.8 inch device is good, but in a 4 inch screen is all disfigured (source of the giant views). I’ve researched a lot on the Internet and nothing works. Does anyone know what I can do? Thanks in advance.

I tried to use this code but it didn’t work:

tv2.setTextSize(20 * getResources().getDisplayMetrics().scaledDensity);
  • This code you posted can cause this problem. If you are always using tv2.setTextSize(20); then the problem is elsewhere. Place the code where you create these views.

  • i only use Textview in this application, if I put setTextSize(x) also of the problem.

1 answer


If the problem is just the font size, you can use the following to solve your problem.

First you must determine on which device your application is running.

    DisplayMetrics metrics = new DisplayMetrics();

    int widthPixels = metrics.widthPixels;
    int heightPixels = metrics.heightPixels;

    float scaleFactor = metrics.density;

    float widthDp = widthPixels / scaleFactor;
    float heightDp = heightPixels / scaleFactor;

    float smallestWidth = Math.min(widthDp, heightDp);

After discovering the value of smallestWidth you can determine whether you are running the application on a tablet of 7, 10 inches or on a smartphone and adjust the text size accordingly.

// tamanho para smartphone
int size = 10

if (smallestWidth > 720) {
    //tablet de 10"
    size = 20

} else if (smallestWidth > 600) {
    //tablet de 7"
    size = 15

After determining the size you can configure your view.


I hope I’ve helped.

Adapted response from here.

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