Create dynamic border on an image after marking a checkbox


Viewed 55 times


as I do for when I click on checkbox it dynamically mark an image with edge. I’m trying to do but it always marks all the img how could I do that. Note: mine img comes from the bank this all dynamic.

dynamic part php:

<div class="btn-group" data-toggle="buttons">
    <label class="check btn btn-primary">
        <input type="checkbox" name="ck[]" value="$imagem" id="$id"> Selecionar

jquery part


Obs. with this code I can mark the img however all and not and that I want I wanted to mark only the respective ones I click. example c I click on the first img mark only her and then if I mark the fifth img mark only her. at the end I will have 2 marked that I chose to img 1 and 5

full php code:

                $nome = $_GET['noivos'];
                $nomeurl = $_GET['noivos'];
                $sql = mysqli_query($mysqli, "SELECT * FROM galeria WHERE email = '$nome'");
                while($aux = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql)){

                        $titulo = $aux['nome_galeria'];
                        $imagem = $aux['img'];
                        $img_big = $aux['img_big'];
                        $id = $aux['id'];
                        $_SESSION['id'] = $id;

            <div class=\"col-lg-3 col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12\">
                <div class=\"hovereffect\">
                    <img class=\"img-responsive\" src=\"images/small/selecao/$imagem\" alt=\"\">
                    <div class=\"overlay\">
                        <div class=\"pad\">
                            <a class=\"info test-popup-link\" href=\"images/big/selecao/$img_big\"><span class=\"corr\"><i class=\"fa fa-search\"></i></span></a>
                            <div class=\"btn-group\" data-toggle=\"buttons\">
                              <label class=\"check btn btn-primary\">
                                <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"ck[]\" value=\"$imagem\" id=\"$id\"> Selecionar

1 answer


The ideal would be to see how is generating the HTML of the images but the idea is, let’s assume that the "value" of the checkbox that has $image, is the same "id" of the image. That is to say

Then it would look like this:



I suggest you use this helper id that you are already using for the checkbox in the image we will also add 100 in it not to mix looks just like it would look:

                $nome = $_GET['noivos'];
                $nomeurl = $_GET['noivos'];
                $sql = mysqli_query($mysqli, "SELECT * FROM galeria WHERE email = '$nome'");
                while($aux = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql)){

                        $titulo = $aux['nome_galeria'];
                        $imagem = $aux['img'];
                        $img_big = $aux['img_big'];
                        $id = $aux['id'];
                        $idimg = $aux['id']+100;
                        $_SESSION['id'] = $id;

            <div class=\"col-lg-3 col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12\">
                <div class=\"hovereffect\">
                    <img class=\"img-responsive\" src=\"images/small/selecao/$imagem\" id=\"$idimg\" alt=\"\">
                    <div class=\"overlay\">
                        <div class=\"pad\">
                            <a class=\"info test-popup-link\" href=\"images/big/selecao/$img_big\"><span class=\"corr\"><i class=\"fa fa-search\"></i></span></a>
                            <div class=\"btn-group\" data-toggle=\"buttons\">
                              <label class=\"check btn btn-primary\">
                                <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"ck[]\" value=\"$imagem\" id=\"$id\" imgref=\"$idimg\"> Selecionar

So I created an auxiliary id for the image and put it in the id attribute of the img, and also created an imgref tribute in the checkbox to leave the id there. The js would look like this now:


  • that value $image is the values of img that guy select to send to the bank. you want to see the entire code where with the php Gero as img dynamically?

  • yes show all the code

  • ok vo edit the Perg

  • edite a Perg olha la

  • I guess now it will =]

  • doesn’t keep picking up overall scoring

  • would have no way of locating the checkbox that is marked and play the border in img corresponding to the checkbox Marked? Then he’ll just pick up by checked He can’t find it until he’s gone checked he marks the img that this checked

  • I switched to $(".check"). click(Function(){ $(this).Closest('img').toggleClass('clic'); }); try

  • 1

    now it was only that I had to trade this img in the Closest for hovereffect my class

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