I’m doing two queries in different BD tables to generate a page with different views depending on the result. For this, I am mounting in each query a different While. In fact, one is within the other, inserted in a conditional logic.
The code:
$sessao = new Sessao;
$dados = $sessao->listarSessao();
echo "Nenhum serviço cadastrado";
$p = new ArrayIterator($dados);
if($p->current()->exibe == 1){
<div id="sessao-list">
<div class="tSession">Sessão <?php echo $p->current()->numero_sessao; ?></div>
<div class="textS"><?php echo $p->current()->nome_sessao; ?></div>
<div class="Access"><a href="sessao.php?link=<?php echo $_GET['link']; ?>&servico=<?php echo $_GET['id']; ?>&id=<?php echo $p->current()->id; ?>" title="<?php echo $p->current()->nome_sessao; ?>" class="info-tooltip" target="_self"><img src="images/shared/access.png"/></a></div>
} else {
$session = new Sessao;
$infos = $session->liberarSessao();
$i = new ArrayIterator($infos);
if($p->current()->id == $i->current()->id_sessao){
<div id="sessao-list">
<div class="tSession">Sessão <?php echo $p->current()->numero_sessao; ?></div>
<div class="textS"><?php echo $p->current()->nome_sessao; ?></div>
<div class="Access"><a href="sessao.php?link=<?php echo $_GET['link']; ?>&servico=<?php echo $_GET['id']; ?>&id=<?php echo $p->current()->id; ?>" title="<?php echo $p->current()->nome_sessao; ?>" class="info-tooltip" target="_self"><img src="images/shared/access.png"/></a></div>
} else {
<div id="sessao-list">
<div class="tSessionD">Sessão <?php echo $p->current()->numero_sessao; ?></div>
<div class="textSD"><?php echo $p->current()->nome_sessao; ?></div>
I am used Arrayiterator and both queries are in a class Sessao.php. The logic should be:
1) If the "displays" field of the "sessoes" table is equal to 1, it displays "complete" html; otherwise it falls into the second check...
2) If there is record of that session for that user in the "sess_users" table, it displays "complete" HTML; otherwise, it displays "simplified" HTML".
The queries in the Sessao.php class look like this:
public function listarSessao(){
$pdo = parent::getDB();
$listarSessao = $pdo->prepare("select * from sessoes WHERE id_servico =" .$_GET['id']. " ORDER BY id ASC");
return $listarSessao->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
public function liberarSessao(){
$pdo = parent::getDB();
$liberarSessao = $pdo->prepare("select * from sess_users WHERE id_servico =" .$_GET['id']. " AND id_user=" .$_SESSION['usrid']. " ORDER BY id ASC");
return $liberarSessao->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
The problem is that the second While is duplicating each record, as many times as there are records in the "sess_users" table. I believe that if there is any way to limit the loop by 1 time, the problem would be solved. Or is there some other way to do?
I believe that its primary problem is located in the consultations conducted by
. Probably a filter is missing in the second query (while internal) that refers to the first query (while external).– Marco Aurélio Deleu
I will edit the question and enter the code of the two queries, thank you.
– Atoyansk
@Marcoauréliodeleu tried to rewrite the function query list using INNER JOIN, this way:
SELECT DISTINCT sessoes.* FROM sessoes INNER JOIN sess_users ON sess_users.id_servico = sessoes.id_servico WHERE sessoes.id_servico = ".$_GET['id']." AND sess_users.id_user = ".$_SESSION['usrid']." ORDER BY sessoes.id ASC
. And I tried to use only this function in the two queries (for each While). Only this did not solve, because the IF of the second While (internal) loses the id_sessao value...– Atoyansk