Watermark in images with PHP


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I try to put a Watermark on each photo I upload, but I need to know how by this code I get the name of the photo after it was placed the Watermark for me to record in the database, since the class that makes this code work uses MD5 to rename the photo.

$image = new RDSImage();
$image->setWaterMark('marca.png'); // Texto da legenda
$image->setDestination("/home/roteirodoimovelc/public_html/cp/clientes/".$cliente."/".$cod."/"); // pasta onde quero salvar a imagem

This is the section of the class that renames the photo. If you can prevent it from being renamed, it is even better.

private function _generateFileName($filename = null)
        if (!$filename) {
            return $this->getDestination()
                . '/'
                . md5(uniqid(time()))
                . '.'
                . $this->sourceImageExtension;

        return $this->getDestination()
            . '/'
            . $filename
            . '.'
            . $this->sourceImageExtension;

I tried to change this part here:

if (!$filename) {
            return $this->getDestination()
                . '/'
                . md5(uniqid(time()))
                . '.'
                . $this->sourceImageExtension;


if (!$filename) {
            return $this->getDestination()
                . '/'
                . $filename
                . '.'
                . $this->sourceImageExtension;

But it records only the extension, example: .jpg

Follow the full class:


 * RDS Image is a PHP class to manipulate images
 * PHP Version 5.3.8
 * @category Pet_Projects
 * @package  RDSImage
 * @author   Rodrigo dos Santos <[email protected]>
 * @license  http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php BSD License
 * @link     www.rodrigodossantos.ws

 * RDS Image is a PHP class to manipulate images
 * @category Pet_Projects
 * @package  RDSImage
 * @author   Rodrigo dos Santos <[email protected]>
 * @license  http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php BSD License
 * @version  Release: <1.0>
 * @link     www.rodrigodossantos.ws
class RDSImage
    protected $sourceImage;
    protected $sourceImageWidth;
    protected $sourceImageHeight;
    protected $sourceImageExtension;
    protected $newWidth;
    protected $newHeight;
    protected $destination;
    protected $waterMark;
    protected $addWaterMark = false;
    protected $addText = false;
    protected $fontSize = 10;
    protected $fontColor = array(255, 255, 255);
    protected $fontName;
    protected $trueTypeFont = false;
    protected $positionX = 20;
    protected $positionY = 20;
    protected $text;

     * Defines the source image that is going to be used.
     * Also uses the methods setSourceImageExtension to define the image's extension
     * and getSourceImageSize to define the width and height
     * @param string $image Path to the image
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException If an unsupported image type is informed
     * @return void
    public function setSourceImage($image)
        $this->sourceImage = $image;

        $extension = array();

        if (!@preg_match('@\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)@', $this->sourceImage, $extension)) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('type of image unsupported');


     * Returns the source image's name and path
     * @return string
    public function getSourceImage()
        return $this->sourceImage;

     * Gets the source image width and height
     * @return void 
    protected function getSourceImageSize()
        $src_size = getimagesize($this->sourceImage);
        $this->sourceImageWidth = $src_size[0];
        $this->newWidth = $src_size[0];
        $this->sourceImageHeight = $src_size[1];
        $this->newHeight = $src_size[1];

     * Set the source image's extension 
     * @param array $extension result array from preg_match 
     * function called in setSourceImage method
     * @return void
    protected function setSourceImageExtension($extension)
        $this->sourceImageExtension = $extension[1];

     * Returns the source image's extension (jpg, gif, png)
     * @return string
    public function getSourceImageExtension()
        return $this->sourceImageExtension;

     * Returns the source image's width
     * @return int
    public function getSourceImageWidth()
        return $this->sourceImageWidth;

     * Returns the source image's height
     * @return int
    public function getSourceImageHeight()
        return $this->sourceImageHeight;

     * Set the new image's width and 
     * calculates the proportional width if only the height is not provided
     * @param int $width The new image's width (pixels)
     * @return void
    public function setNewWidth($width)
        $this->newWidth = $width;

        if (!$this->getNewHeight()) {
            $this->newHeight = ( $this->getSourceImageHeight() * $this->newWidth )
                / $this->getSourceImageWidth();

     * Returns the new image's width
     * @return type 
    public function getNewWidth()
        return $this->newWidth;

     * Set the new image's height and
     * calculates the proportional height if only the width is not provided
     * @param int $height The new image's height (pixels)
     * @return void;
    public function setNewHeight($height)
        $this->newHeight = $height;

        if (!$this->getNewWidth()) {
            $this->newWidth = ($this->getSourceImageWidth() * $this->newHeight )
                / $this->getSourceImageHeight();

     * Returns the new image's height
     * @return mixed;
    public function getNewHeight()
        return $this->newHeight;

     * Set the destination folder
     * @param string $destination Destination folder's path
     * @return void
    public function setDestination($destination)
        $this->destination = $destination;

     * Returns the destination folder
     * @return string
    public function getDestination()
        return $this->destination;

     * Generates the new filename for the image if none is provided
     * and prepends the destination folder to the filename.
     * @param string $filename The new image's name
     * @return string 
    private function _generateFileName($filename = null)
        if (!$filename) {
            return $this->getDestination()
                . '/'
                . md5(uniqid(time()))
                . '.'
                . $this->sourceImageExtension;

        return $this->getDestination()
            . '/'
            . $filename
            . '.'
            . $this->sourceImageExtension;

     * Set the font size to use on the image
     * @param mixed $fontSize The font size
     * @return void
    public function setFontSize($fontSize)
        $this->fontSize = $fontSize;

     * Returns the font size to use on the image
     * @return mixed
    public function getFontSize()
        return $this->fontSize;

     * Set the position X and Y for the text to be used on the image
     * @param int $positionX The position X where the text will be showed
     * @param int $positionY The position Y where the text will be showed
     * @return void
    public function setPosition($positionX, $positionY)
        $this->positionX = $positionX;
        $this->positionY = $positionY;

     * Returns the position X
     * @return int
    public function getPositionX()
        return $this->positionX;

     * Returns the position Y
     * @return int
    public function getPositionY()
        return $this->positionY;

     * Defines the font color in RGB format, where each index represents 
     * a part of the color's code. Ex: array(255, 255,255) is white.
     * For a RGB chart please see http://www.tayloredmktg.com/rgb/
     * @param array $color Font's color code in RGB format
     * @return void
    public function setColor(array $color)
        $this->fontColor = $color;

     * Returns the font color's array in RGB format
     * @return array
    public function getColor()
        return $this->fontColor;

     * Define if a true type font is going to be used
     * @param boolena $flag true or false
     * @return void
    public function trueTypeFont($flag = true)
        $this->trueTypeFont = $flag;

     * Is a true type font going to be used?
     * @return boolean
    public function isTrueTypeFont()
        return $this->trueTypeFont;

     * Set the font to be used on the image
     * @param string $font The font name like 'Arial', 'Verdana', etc.
     * @return void
    public function setFontName($font)
        $this->fontName = $font;

     * Returns the font to be used on the image
     * @return string
    public function getFontName()
        return $this->fontName;

     * Set the text to be written on the image
     * @param string $text A text or phrase
     * @return void
    public function setText($text)
        $this->addText = true;
        $this->text = $text;

     * Returns the text to be written on the image
     * @return string
    public function getText()
        return $this->text;

     * Writes an text to the image
     * @param string $image The image's path
     * @return void
    protected function addText($image)
        if ($this->isTrueTypeFont()) {
                $image, $this->fontSize, 0, $this->getPositionX(),
                $this->getPositionY(), $this->fontColor, $this->fontName, $this->text
        } else {

            $fontColor = imagecolorallocate(
                $image, $this->fontColor[0], $this->fontColor[1], $this->fontColor[2]

                $image, $this->fontSize, $this->getPositionX(),
                $this->getPositionY(), $this->text, $fontColor

     * Sets the watermark's path
     * @param string $image Path to watermark
     * @return void
    public function setWaterMark($image)
        $this->addWaterMark = true;
        $this->waterMark = $image;

     * Return the watermark' path
     * @return string
    public function getWaterMark()
        return $this->waterMark;

     * Adds a watermark to the image
     * @param string $thumb Path to the water mark
     * @return void 
    protected function addWaterMark($thumb)
        $pathinfo = pathinfo($this->getWaterMark());

        switch (strtolower($pathinfo['extension'])) {
        case 'jpg':
        case 'jpeg':
            $waterMark = imagecreatefromjpeg($this->waterMark);
        case 'png':
            $waterMark = imagecreatefrompng($this->waterMark);
        case 'gif':
            $waterMark = imagecreatefromgif($this->waterMark);

        $waterMarkWidth = imagesx($waterMark);
        $waterMarkHeight = imagesy($waterMark);

            $thumb, $waterMark, $this->getPositionX(), $this->getPositionY(), 0, 0,
            $waterMarkWidth, $waterMarkHeight

     * Creates the new image
     * @param string $filename New image's name
     * @return string New image's path and name
     * @throws UnexpectedValueException 
    public function create($filename = null)
        $destination = $this->getDestination();

        if (!$destination) {
            throw new UnexpectedValueException(
                'Destination folder has not been informed'

        $extension = ($this->sourceImageExtension == 'jpg') 
        ? 'jpeg' : $this->sourceImageExtension;

        $functions = array(
            'imagecreatefrom' . $extension,
            'image' . $extension,

        $thumbnail = imagecreatetruecolor(
            $this->getNewWidth(), $this->getNewHeight()

            $thumbnail, $functions[0]($this->sourceImage), 0, 0, 0, 0,
            $this->getNewWidth(), $this->getNewHeight(),
            $this->getSourceImageWidth(), $this->getSourceImageHeight()

        $filename = $this->_generateFileName($filename);

        if ($this->addText) {

        if ($this->addWaterMark) {

        switch ($extension) {
        case 'jpeg':
            imagejpeg($thumbnail, $filename, 100);
        case 'gif':
            imagegif($thumbnail, $filename);
        case 'png':
            imagepng($thumbnail, $filename, 9);

        return $filename;

  • I don’t understand the if, !filename ( if filename ) and below you use filename.. There is no logic error in that?? If filename does not exist, pq vc uses it in Return??

  • Because then, I also found it strange, but if I use $filename it only records .jpg

  • what you changed you have to take the NOT (!)

  • You can post __Construct of the class?

  • Hello @Pedroerick posted up the full class.

2 answers


$filename is provided by the method create, to ignore the name in MD5 just put the parameter when creating the photo.

Code example that saves the photo as jpg test.

$image = new RDSImage();
$image->setWaterMark('marca.png'); // Texto da legenda
$image->setDestination("/home/roteirodoimovelc/public_html/cp/clientes/".$cliente."/".$cod."/"); // pasta onde quero salvar a imagem
$image->create( 'teste' );


If the file doesn’t have a name, it will generate a:

if (!$filename) {
            return $this->getDestination()
                . '/'
                . md5(uniqid(time()))
                . '.'
                . $this->sourceImageExtension;

If it has a name, it will use the name ($filename) as you set it. I believe it is just take out the "!" which is all right.

if ($filename) {
            return $this->getDestination()
                . '/'
                . $filename
                . '.'
                . $this->sourceImageExtension;

Before you change the line . md5(uniqid(time())) it would be a problem, but how do you use the $filename be sure.

  • works doesn’t keep recording just this way *.JPG

  • Eh vi agr the start of the function... The $filename starts null, then both forms will give this error.

  • I don’t know where this $filename comes from, but try not to start it null or set some value for it within the function

  • Follow the complete class above

  • Follow the complete class above.

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