Doubt about LAMP development environment with Vagrant and provisioning with Puppet


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After some problems regarding the incompatibility of locally developed applications with the server, I decided to use the tool Vagrant.

I followed some tutorials, read your documentation, created my virtual machine and had problems with provisioning (I believe that for lack of understanding of the functioning of it).

Anyway, I found a trilogy of very good articles (at least I found rs) that helped me a lot to understand how provisioning worked with the Puppet.

But even so, I have some doubts and I come here to ask those who already work with these tools, if they can clarify them.

Some of them are:

  1. In a development environment with Vagrant, it is necessary to install a version control system like the GIT within the VM? If so, why?
  2. I’m a beginner in the use of Composer, and I’m excited, wanting to use this tool in my projects, is it necessary to install it in the VM as well? If so, why?
  3. What would need to be installed beyond the basics (Apache, PHP, Mysql)?

Well, folks, the main questions I’ve had are these.

Thank you in advance for your attention.

1 answer


In a development environment with Vagrant, is it necessary to install a version control system like GIT within the VM? If so, why?

It depends. Vagrant has a basic functioning of sharing a folder on your physical machine with the virtual machine. You can:

  • Use GIT on your physical machine to convert your project
  • Using GIT on the virtual machine

Basically, it doesn’t matter. But it’s important to remember that the use of Vagrant does not replace the use of versioning software. Maybe if you’re working alone on a project, feel like there’s no need to use versioning, however it’s always good to stay up to date with the tools so you don’t have to learn a lot of new stuff if you start a project in partnerships.

I’m a beginner in the use of Composer, and I’m excited to use this tool in my projects, is it necessary to install it in the VM as well? If so, why?

Basically the same previous concept applies. You could install Composer only on the physical machine and manage your project there or install on the virtual machine.

In particular, I suggest installing all the development tools in Vagrant. Why?

  • How useful Composer is in your physical machine?
  • What is the usefulness of GIT on your physical machine?

If the answer to both questions is just manage my project that is running within Vagrant, then you’re just soiling the environment of your physical machine instead of taking greater advantage of the virtual machine.

What you would need to install beyond the basics (Apache, PHP, Mysql)?

It is important to install the basic tools you will use to work. Laravel, for example, offers a Vagrant called Homestead that comes with PHP 7, Mysql, Nginx (instead of Apache), Composer, Git, Mencache, Sqlite 3, etc...

Maybe it’s best not to worry about what else you need to install besides the basic tools. When the need arises, you will know what else to install.

  • Thank you so much for the clarifications Marco! Helped a lot the/

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