After some problems regarding the incompatibility of locally developed applications with the server, I decided to use the tool Vagrant.
I followed some tutorials, read your documentation, created my virtual machine and had problems with provisioning (I believe that for lack of understanding of the functioning of it).
Anyway, I found a trilogy of very good articles (at least I found rs) that helped me a lot to understand how provisioning worked with the Puppet.
But even so, I have some doubts and I come here to ask those who already work with these tools, if they can clarify them.
Some of them are:
- In a development environment with Vagrant, it is necessary to install a version control system like the GIT within the VM? If so, why?
- I’m a beginner in the use of Composer, and I’m excited, wanting to use this tool in my projects, is it necessary to install it in the VM as well? If so, why?
- What would need to be installed beyond the basics (Apache, PHP, Mysql)?
Well, folks, the main questions I’ve had are these.
Thank you in advance for your attention.
Thank you so much for the clarifications Marco! Helped a lot the/
– Thomerson Roncally