Error inserting data into Mysql - Codeigniter


Viewed 485 times


I have the code

$chave = $retorno->resposta->cobrancasGeradas->cliente->cobranca->chave;

$this->db->insert('boletos', array('id_fatura'=>$id_fatura, 'chave_boleto'=>$chave));

When he runs this insert gives me the error:

Error Number: 1054

Unknown column 'HILO3' in 'field list'

INSERT INTO `boletos` (`id_fatura`, `chave_boleto`) VALUES (20, 81954-30765231-HILO3)

Filename: /var/www/html/Cotas/models/conta_model.php

Line Number: 168

The field type of chave_boleto in Mysql is varchar(100)

  • 1

    That value 81954-30765231-HILO3is going without the quotes and so it’s not a varchar, I don’t quite understand how it works ('chave_boleto'=>$chave), but have it return the quotes. Let’s wait for someone explaining how it is.

3 answers


The problem is basically in the query, it seems that he is trying to insert the value of a string as number, and gives error, try to cast a type:

$chave = $retorno->resposta->cobrancasGeradas->cliente->cobranca->chave;

$this->db->insert('boletos', array('id_fatura' => $id_fatura, 'chave_boleto' => (string) $chave));

or this:

 $this->db->insert('boletos', array('id_fatura' => $id_fatura, 'chave_boleto' => "{$chave}"));


only adapt to your way.

Correct way with PDO. The good thing would be to make an abstract class with the CRUD (Abstract class Crud extends DB ) put this code and replace the values with variables, then only call crud in your class you want to do the Insert.

but in the thick is there.

    try {

            $sql = "INSERT INTO boletos (id_fatura,chave_boleto) VALUES (:id_fatura, :chave_boleto)";
            $stmt = DB::prepare($sql);
            $dados = seuArray //array('id_fatura'=>$id_fatura, 'chave_boleto'=>$chave)

            foreach ($dados as $key => $v) {
                $stmt->bindValue(':' . $key, $v);
            //ou assim
            //$stmt->bindValue(':id_fatura', 1);
            //$stmt->bindValue(':chave_boleto', 'fjçalkdfjoajlaksdf');

            if ($stmt->execute()) {
                $cd = DB::getInstance()->lastInsertId();
                modalSalvo("Salvo com sucesso!");
                return $cd;
        } catch (PDOException $e) {
            echo '<br />Error: ' . $e->getMessage();


You can do it that way:

     $chave = $retorno->resposta->cobrancasGeradas->cliente->cobranca->chave;
     $dados['id_fatura'] = $id_fatura;
     $dados['chave_boleto'] = $chave;
     $this->db->insert('boletos', $dados);

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