jQuery, close button works only once


Viewed 292 times


I have a text box that is generated by a button, and it has a button with the function to close it, but it only works once, for the first generated box, I would like it to work on all that are generated later.

And in that I have another small bug, by completely removing the text and keeping pressed the Backspace the box shrinks and goes up to the menu.


1 answer


You have to use event delegation:

$('#editavel').on('click', "#close-link", function() {

The problem is that when you run $("#close-link").click(function(){ this code will not catch elements that do not exist yet. But if you delegate to the element that always exists, the $('#editavel') will already work.

You can read more about it here: /a/5199/129

Note: Ids must be unique, that means you must only have 1 #close-link on the page. Otherwise you should use classes: .close-link

  • Excellent explanation, partly solved my problem, but I ended up expressing myself wrong. When I said "I would like it to work on all that are generated later." , I forgot to explain that it was in one at a time, using the syntax '.on' it erases all generated elements that have the same declared class, not just the one that was clicked. I imagine that it is more complicated to differentiate each generated element, but it is possible?

  • @Wesleyferreira so you want the close-link just erase the close" que estiver dentro desse ui-widget-contenté isso? Lembra-te de usar classes, mas o que queres pode ser feito assim:$(this). Closest(). find('#close'). fadeOut();`

  • Actually no, imagine that I manage several boxes, I need to specifically close one, for example the second. The problem is that the script closes everything that has the class . close (I’ve already turned it into class). https://jsfiddle.net/wesleyfc000/h6orx7x0/11/

  • @Wesleyferreira the answer I gave is what you’re looking for. In the last comment you missed writing something, the idea is: $(this).closest('.ui-widget-content').find('#close').fadeOut();. That way every click he’ll look for his father '.ui-widget-content.' of that element clicked, and then inside it, the element close. Switch to classes and it will work.

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