Save a website image with PHP?


Viewed 675 times


How I save an image of a particular site to a folder on my site using PHP?

And how would you look to resize that image?

I used this way but it didn’t work: file_put_contents($directory, file_get_contents($url)); also tried with the copy function and got no result..

1 answer


His attempt with file_get_contents only works if the php.ini is set this way:


But if you’re qualified, you don’t even need file_get_contents, can already simplify with copy:

copy( $urlOrigem, $arquivoDestino );

If you do not wish or cannot activate allow_url_fopen, an alternative is the cURL:

$curl = curl_init( $urlOrigin );
$file = fopen( $fileDestination, 'wb' );
curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_FILE, $file );
curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0 );
curl_exec( $curl );
curl_close( $curl );
fclose( $file );

In this second case, the extension cURL has to be enabled.

About resizing image with PHP, we already have some answers on the site.

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