PHP script that lists and edits other files


Viewed 1,318 times


How can I create a script where it will list all the files that are in the main folder and in the subfolders so that I can edit the files and replace with the one that was edited?

If possible tbm have a function to delete the file if you want..

Does anyone have any idea how to do?

1 answer


Listing everything at once is a bad idea, unless you just want to run something in these files and folders, but don’t list everything.

Actually what you want is a "file manager" (file manager):

I want to keep you aware of something, this code can fail, regardless of who write or rewrite, if you are going to use in production I recommend looking for tools already considered, so take these codes as a case study, or test the following codes very well.

On GNU/Linux-based servers there are folder permissions and access levels, so maybe not every file is accessible, of course I assume that the files will be generated by the php script itself, so you won’t have this problem with the "file owner"

For case of studies

First create a global.php file, because we will use more than one file and in this case it is better to keep the settings in one and use include, create a file called global.php:

define('DATA_FOLDER', '/home/user/arquivos'); //Troque pela pasta que deseja editar e navegar

If you are going to list a folder (which I recommend) at a time you can do so (called navegar.php):

include 'global.php';

$dir = '/';

if (empty($_GET['pasta']) === false) {
   $dir = '/' . trim($_GET['pasta'], '/');

if (isset($_GET['deletar']) && file_exists($ap . $dir)) {
    echo '<a href="deletar.php?arquivo=', $ap . $dir,'">Quer realmente deletar o arquivo "', $ap , $dir, '"?</a><hr>';

if (is_dir($ap . $dir)) {
    $dh = opendir($ap . $dir);
    if ($dh) {
        echo '<ul>';

        while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
            if ($file === '.' || $file === '..') {

            $acessivel = false;
            $atual = $ap . $dir . '/' . $file;

            if (is_dir($atual)) {
                 echo '<li> <a href="navegar.php?pasta=', $dir, '/', $file, '">', $file,'</a>';
                 $acessivel = true;
            } else if (is_file($atual)) {
                 echo '<li>', $file,' <a href="editar.php?arquivo=', $dir, '/', $file, '">[Editar]</a>';
                 $acessivel = true;

            if ($acessivel) {
                echo ' <a href="deletar.php?arquivo=', $dir, '/', $file, '&amp;deletar=1">[Deletar]</a> </li>';

        echo '</ul>';


<a href="navegar.php">Voltar a raiz</a>

When to access navegar.php?pasta= it will point to the new directory.

The editar.php reads and writes the file, note that I used LOCK_EX to avoid more than one person deleting while recording.

include 'global.php';

if (empty($_GET['arquivo'])) {
    echo 'Arquivo não definido';

$arquivo = $ap . '/' . $_GET['arquivo'];

if (false === is_file($arquivo)) {
    echo 'Arquivo não inacessivel ou invalido:', $arquivo;

echo 'Você está editado: ', $arquivo, '<br>';

if (isset($_POST['conteudo'])) {
    file_put_contents($arquivo, $_POST['conteudo'], LOCK_EX);

<form action="editar.php?arquivo=<?php echo $_GET['arquivo']; ?>" method="POST">
     <textarea name="conteudo" cols="150" rows="50"><?php
          echo htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents($arquivo));
     <button type="submit">Salvar</button>


<a href="navegar.php?pasta=<?php echo dirname($_GET['arquivo']); ?>">Voltar para navegação</a>

And finally delete.php:

if (empty($_GET['arquivo'])) {
    echo 'Arquivo não definido';

include 'global.php';

$arquivo = $ap . '/' . $_GET['arquivo'];

if (is_dir($arquivo)) {
    //Deleta pasta recursivamente, pois não é possivel deletar pastas que não estão vazias
    function recursive_rmdir($path) {
        if (is_dir($path) && ($dh = opendir($path))) {
            while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
                if ($file === '.' || $file === '..') {

                $atual = $path . '/' . $file;

                if (is_dir($atual)) {
                } else if (is_file($atual)) {
                } else {
                    echo $atual, ' é inacessivel<br>';
        } else if (is_file($path)) {

} else if (is_file($arquivo)) {
   if (unlink($arquivo)) {
       echo 'Arquivo "', $arquivo,'" deletado com sucesso';
   } else {
       echo 'Falha ao deletar o arquivo "', $arquivo,'"';
} else {
       echo 'Arquivo "', $arquivo,'" inacessivel';


<a href="navegar.php?pasta=<?php echo dirname($_GET['arquivo']); ?>">Voltar para navegação</a>

Functions used and which you should study:

For production

If it is the case of production environment recommend using applications already conceptualized as and properly tested, such as:

I haven’t tested, I don’t know if they work as well, but it has repository and bug control

  • 1

    Our brother.. Vlw by the tips and idea... I will study the script and functions... Brigadão.. Hehe.. only one question... on it it is possible to edit and save the changes?

  • @Pedroquezado I fixed the delete.php !

  • 1

    very good @Guilhermenascimento

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