Problems with onmouseclick and onmouseover in Javascript


Viewed 574 times


I have the following code:

Javascript test

    function mudaLampada(tipo){
        if(tipo == 1){
            arquivo = "_imagens/lampada-acesa.jpg";
            arquivo= "_imagens/lampada-apagada.jpg";
        if(tipo == 3){
            arquivo= "_imagens/lampada-quebrada.jpg";
        document.getElementById("luz").src= arquivo;

    <h1>Acenda Lampada</h1>
    <img src="_imagens/lampada-apagada.jpg" id="luz"  onmouseover="mudaLampada(1)" onmouseout="mudaLampada(2)" onmouseclick="mudaLampada(3)">

The function works for type 1 and 2, but for type 3 nothing happens; can anyone find the error? Thanks.

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2 answers


Uses the attribute onclick and not onmouseclick. Notice that when you click and raise the mouse it will immediately pass to the state onmouseover.

To fix it or use the onmouseenter (example) or creates a logic like this:

var partida = false;

function mudaLampada(tipo) {
    if (partida) return;
    if (tipo == 1) {
        arquivo = "_imagens/lampada-acesa.jpg";
    } else if (tipo == 2) {
        arquivo = "_imagens/lampada-apagada.jpg";
    } else if (tipo == 3) {
        arquivo = "_imagens/lampada-quebrada.jpg";
        partida = true;
    document.getElementById("estado").innerHTML = arquivo;



Change onMouseClick to onClick.

    <h1>Acenda Lampada</h1>
    <img src="_imagens/lampada-apagada.jpg" id="luz"  onmouseover="mudaLampada(1)" onmouseout="mudaLampada(2)" onclick="mudaLampada(3)">

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