I have the following code:
Javascript test
function mudaLampada(tipo){
if(tipo == 1){
arquivo = "_imagens/lampada-acesa.jpg";
arquivo= "_imagens/lampada-apagada.jpg";
if(tipo == 3){
arquivo= "_imagens/lampada-quebrada.jpg";
document.getElementById("luz").src= arquivo;
<h1>Acenda Lampada</h1>
<img src="_imagens/lampada-apagada.jpg" id="luz" onmouseover="mudaLampada(1)" onmouseout="mudaLampada(2)" onmouseclick="mudaLampada(3)">
The function works for type 1 and 2, but for type 3 nothing happens; can anyone find the error? Thanks.
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