Questions about javascript language


Viewed 64 times


Good morning!

Guys, I’m a beginner in javascript and I have some questions about the section below:

var url;
function newUser(){
  $('#dlg').dialog('open').dialog('setTitle','Novo Cliente');
  url = 'salvar_cadastroclientes.php';
function saveUser(){
    url: url,
    onSubmit: function(){
      return $(this).form('validate');
    success: function(result){
      var result = eval('('+result+')');
      if (result.success){
        $('#dlg').dialog('close');		// close the dialog
        $('#dg').datagrid('reload');	// reload the user data
      } else {
          title: 'Erro',
          msg: result.msg

In the save function, the code is capturing the submit of form.

And on the second line, what is this url: url, onSubmit... ?

  • 2

    It is the form action. Where to go when Submit is given.

  • 1

    That one .form() is of some plugin? in this case which?

  • The doubt is not about the language but about the algorithm.

  • exact, the doubt is about what makes this URL: URL, onsubmit :[] , Success: []

1 answer


**url:** *url,*

The first url is the name of an attribute. In your case the . form object has 2 attributes: **url:** e **onSubmit:** the url: is receiving the variable url, However, I believe that an error must occur, because in the scope of Function saveUser(){...} the variable url was not defined, but he was in the

function newUser(){ ... url = 'salvar_cadastroclientes.php'; }

  • Ivan, thank you so much! Another question, is Success also an attribute? on the Success line: Function(result) the result comes from where? of the return of the onsubmit?

  • There will be no error, because the variable was declared with global scope up there. The Newuser function just defines it.

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