Indexoutofboundsexception in reading an Inputstream


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follows the excerpt of the code I am studying:

FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream("/home/rafael/2015.json"); // esse aquivo tem 24 bytes

byte[] result = new byte[(int) stream.getChannel().size()];

int offset = 0;
int read = 0;

while((read =, offset, 8)) != -1){
    offset += read;


But I’ve been getting the following exception:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
    at Method)

I have checked my offset, and it works correctly. What can be?

-- adding a debug

FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream("/home/rafael/2015.json");

byte[] result = new byte[(int) stream.getChannel().size()];

int offset = 0;
int read = 0;

while((read =, offset, 8)) != -1){
    offset += read;

    System.out.println("read: " + read);
    System.out.println("offset: " + offset);

System.out.println("o que foi lido? " + new String(result, "UTF-8"));



read: 8
offset: 8
read: 8
offset: 16
read: 8
offset: 24
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
    at Method)

-- adding remanufacturing:

1º decreases the reading size to 1 byte / iteration

while((read =, offset += read, 1)) != -1){}

2º I increased the result array in 1 index

byte[] result = new byte[stream.available() + 1];

and now it worked perfectly:

HOWEVER i get the last input of my array result with the value 0

-- best solution

FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream("/home/rafael/2015");

byte[] result = new byte[stream.available()];

int offset = 0;
int read = 0;
int buffer = 256;
int remain = result.length;

while((remain -= read =, offset += read, buffer >= remain ? remain : buffer)) > 0){}         

  • You’re not doing Parsing so java can read the json content. Try debugging your code by placing a breakpoint in while, and you’ll see that it already returns -1, the cause of the exception, because is receiving negative Dice.

  • added a debug

  • You don’t understand, reread what I said, so you won’t be able to read json. Look this question in Soen and see, you need an API that does Parsing.

  • no no.. I don’t want to parse yet.. I want to first read the file string.

  • See if the solution to the answer solves the problem.

  • In fact, I just want to really understand the behavior of this method. It’s just a study.

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1 answer


Change the size added to the byte array, the set value is smaller than it should be, so as it iterates, when it reaches a certain value, the IndexOutOfBoundsException use the read method()

byte[] result = new byte[];

But if you still want the previous value, instead of using

byte[] result = new byte[(int) stream.getChannel().size()];


byte[] result = new byte[stream.available()];
  • Actually the problem is with the same offset. When the second parameter of the read method is 0, the exception is not played. However the array result will be wrong.

  • I solved, but I didn’t understand the pq yet. I added an extra space in the result array and it worked: byte[] result = new byte[stream.available() + 1];

  • Yes. I was in this doubt at the time I tested, tested without the fine control (offset, length) and worked smoothly, but I ended up not testing the offset change, but anyway. Post here then, on how did to solve :]

  • But it works in any situation with different file size for example?

  • Yes, but for that I need to set the reading size to 1 byte. I added the resolution in the first post. Take a look

  • Hm, but this fine-grained control will always depend on this timing, if you change in the array, you’ll need to change in read() as well.

  • The value in the array will always need to be = or > for no problems, a little weird.

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