Difficulty writing 3 different input names with foreach


Viewed 76 times


Hello, I am creating a shopping cart and need to record via form the products selected by the customer. Almost everything is working, missing only record the products in the table itemvenda.

I made this foreach below to list the products with your data:

    foreach($_SESSION['carrinho'] as $carrinho){

    echo '<tr style="font-size:11px; font-weight:bold; color:#000;">       
          <input size="1" type="hidden" name="codproduto" value="'.$codigo.'" />
          <input size="1" type="hidden" name="quant" value="'.$qtd.'" />
          <input size="5" type="hidden" name="preco" value="'.$preco.'" />

    <?php } ?>

But I can’t write more than 1 product, if I buy 2, 3 or more products, it only records the last one on the list.

I’m putting down the INSERT used to save data to table.

    include '../conexao.php';


    $codvenda = mysql_insert_id();
    $codproduto = $_POST['codproduto'];
    $quant = $_POST['quant'];
    $preco = $_POST['preco'];

    mysql_query("INSERT INTO itemvenda (codvenda, codproduto, quant, preco) values ('$codvenda', '$codproduto', '$quant', '$preco')");

If friends can give me a light on how I should proceed so that I can record all products listed by foreach, I would be grateful.

Hugs to all.

  • How is Voce "inserting" the data into the super global $_SESSION ? so it seems Voce is inserting one string at a time! try to create an array and store in the super global.

  • Hello Rafael Acioly, beauty? You show me how to create the array, because I’m a beginner in PHP, but I’m trying to learn how to work with it.

1 answer


I solved guys, changes were made in INSERT, and so was the code.

Insert page:

$codvenda = mysql_insert_id();
$codproduto = $_REQUEST['codproduto']; 
$quant = $_REQUEST['quant']; 
$preco = $_REQUEST['preco']; 

for($i=0; $i<count($codproduto) AND ($quant) AND ($preco); $i++){   

$query_insert = mysql_query("INSERT INTO itemvenda (codvenda, codproduto, quant, preco) values ('$codvenda', '$codproduto[$i]', '$quant[$i]', '$preco[$i]')");
        //printf("Last inserted record has id %d\n", mysql_insert_id());

And in the Form was added [] after the names of the names in the input:


    echo '<tr style="font-size:11px; font-weight:bold; color:#000;">       
        <input size="1" type="hidden" name="codproduto[]" value="'.$codigo.'" />
        <input size="1" type="hidden" name="quant[]" value="'.$qtd.'" />
        <input size="5" type="hidden" name="preco[]" value="'.$preco.'" />

I hope that this publication can help other curious like me to solve this kind of problem.

Thanks for everyone’s attention, and big hug.

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