My site gets messy in Microsoft Edge, Firefox, and Safari. How to Resolve this Issue?


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My site picks up Chrome and Opera, but when I test these other browsers it gets messy, plus, in Edge.


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Firefox is the one with the least errors-

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  • 7

    Welcome! Met the evil that haunts every front end developer :) It has a lot of code to analyze, but probably one of the reasons is these statements with values in pixels. If you want to create a fluid layout, go to percentage.

  • I will create responsive, and I did first for desktop.

  • 1

    Hello, this problem should be due to pixel values, as mentioned in the above answer. But even if you don’t use percentage, you might be solving this using some framework, like Bootstrap, which already has a whole grid scheme that reduces almost to 0 these layout breaking problems in other browsers. Link to Bootstrap: []

  • So I have to move on to relative measures. @Joãovictor

  • 1

    Friend, try using this:

  • Friend already used the ccs normalize, but it did not help.

  • 1

    Already tried using Bootstrap or grid 960?

  • 1

    'Cause I don’t know how to use it.

  • 1

    @Gilmarsantos instead of using the file protocol, use a local server like Apache and test again, browsers interpret the location of css Resources differently.

  • A tip I can give you, bootstrap never makes you learn why this happens. If you want to learn how to solve your problems without a framework, if it’s something for production that you don’t have time to learn, then it’s a valid reason to use bootstrap. Do you have any links to this online page? Analyzing the full HTML is much easier to find the defect.

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1 answer


From my experience, a WELL-WRITTEN CODE has the same effect on any browser, it can only have some small variation in the font rendering or other details but that do not change the layout desired.

Analyzing your code, it seemed very heavy and polluted, not respecting the possible variations of interpretation of CSS and tags that can occur between one browser and another.

I suggest that you redo all the code, concisely and cleanly, building one area after another (top, body, side column, footer...) and go testing in the browsers one by one, and if there is any difference, try to know what is wrong until it is equal in all, and then move on to the next area and so on.

I have been working with front-end for more than 10 years and rarely test my codes in other browsers (I use Chrome) because I already know what one supports and the other does not, and so I can make a concise code where the layout is EXACTLY the same at all.

I’m not judging your level of knowledge if you are a professional in the field or just venturing, but from what I’m seeing, you need to improve a lot yet. Good luck!

  • 1

    Nowadays it’s easier to do that, I doubt it looked the same at the time of the Internet 6 or 7 hehe, but anyway, it would be nice if you add some more focused technical tips to his problem, for example, how to create structures in HTML for different styles and code organization, etc, would have the most complete response and add a greater value to the community.

  • +1. Given what the question says, I couldn’t imagine much more to say. I understand the question as too broad to be answered in just one post. It would be nice if the questioner solved one problem at a time, in separate questions, and was doing the site step by step, as knowledge allows.

  • I’m still new to website development, I’m still studying css and html, thanks for the advice

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