Jquery stops working after running the load command


Viewed 436 times


I’m using the remote

$("#teste").load(location.href+" #teste>*",{id : idd});

The command updates the data div group and send a parâmetro for the same. The div, has class, commands jquery that interacts with the user. When loading the screen after the execution of the command, and if the above command is again executed, the jquery, styles, etc no longer work.



<div id="teste">
    <input type="button" value="Clique aqui para Apagar o Resgistro 1" class="btn">Registro 1
    <input type="button" value="Clique aqui para Apagar o Resgistro 10" class="btn">
    <input type="button" value="Clique aqui para Apagar o Resgistro 20" class="btn">

Clicking on a button executes the code below.


function() {
        url: "Registros.php",
        data: {ta : tipoacao, dados : dados},
        type: "POST"
      .done(function(data) {           
        $("#teste").load(location.href+" #teste>*",{id : ta});

      .error(function(data) {        

Resultado (clicou para apagar o Registro 1)
<div id="teste">    
    <input type="button" value="Clique aqui para Apagar o Resgistro 10" class="btn">
    <input type="button" value="Clique aqui para Apagar o Resgistro 20" class="btn">

Shows without record 1, but when clicking again on some button no longer calls the ajax, no more style on the button.

  • Update a div with load ? For me load loads an external file, try to improve your question explaining what you are trying to do and post a code that can reproduce the problem

  • example posted @Highlander

  • @Highlander that’s right. Loads an external file. In this case I use to reload part of the same file in question. When reloading that part of the file as reported, the buttons no longer work, js no longer works .

1 answer


This is because you remade the GIFT, and the events were not tied to the elements after the new GIFT was created. Utilize Event delegate

$('body').on('click', '.sua-class', function() {
  • Thanks. in case I’m not using class and yes button id, so just reference the id right.

  • Yep.. same thing.

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