Check that the mouse is not in the element


Viewed 1,396 times


I want to run a code, but this code can only be executed if the mouse are not about a div. I tested the .mouseout() but it checks if the mouse is out, that’s not it, I need to check if the mouse is not in there at that time, if it is not running the code.

Some solution?

3 answers


Check if the element is suffering Hover, if it is not it is because the mouse is not on it:

var mouseFora = !$(meuElemento).is(":hover");


  • I’m a beginner in js, how can I make sure that if this is true, run a line of code? Thank you!

  • 1

    @Leonardocarmo if(mouseFora) { ... } or simply (if not to reuse the variable) if ( !$(meuElemento).is(":hover") ) { ... } (in other words, what I am saving in the variable mouseFora is a Boolean, which can be used directly in a comparison)

  • That’s right, buddy! Thank you very much!

  • @Leonardocarmo Sure he wants to mark my answer as accepted? That of the Kaduamaral is much more complete... :)

  • I liked his, however for what I needed the setTimeout is not necessary, because the page already updates alone, so it is not necessary. I just really needed this!


You can use the is jQuery, as parameter can pass selectors, functions, elements and selection, more details in documentation.


$(document).on('click', '.executa', function(event){
   // Obs: setTimeout apenas para dar tempo de colocar ou tirar o mouse
   // da área para realizar testes. Em uma situação real
   // já se usa o IF direto
     if ($('#area').is(':hover')){
    	alert('Mouse na área');
     } else  {
    	alert('Mouse fora da área');
  }, 2000);
<script src=""></script>
<div id="area"></div>
<button class="executa">Executa</button>


There is a library called jQuery Outside Events that implements "outside" events that are executed when event occurs outside the element in question.

These are the events "from outside": clickoutside, dblclickoutside, focusoutside, bluroutside, mousemoveoutside, mousedownoutside, mouseupoutside, mouseoveroutside, mouseoutoutside, keydownoutside, keypressoutside, keyupoutside, changeoutside, selectoutside, submitoutside

Below an example of the event mouseoveroutside that is fired when mouse is outside the element.

 * jQuery outside events - v1.1 - 3/16/2010
 * Copyright (c) 2010 "Cowboy" Ben Alman
 * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
(function($,c,b){$.map("click dblclick mousemove mousedown mouseup mouseover mouseout change select submit keydown keypress keyup".split(" "),function(d){a(d)});a("focusin","focus"+b);a("focusout","blur"+b);$.addOutsideEvent=a;function a(g,e){e=e||g+b;var d=$(),h=g+"."+e+"-special-event";$.event.special[e]={setup:function(){d=d.add(this);if(d.length===1){$(c).bind(h,f)}},teardown:function(){d=d.not(this);if(d.length===0){$(c).unbind(h)}},add:function(i){var j=i.handler;i.handler=function(l,k){;j.apply(this,arguments)}}};function f(i){$(d).each(function(){var j=$(this);if(this!!j.has({j.triggerHandler(e,[])}})}}})(jQuery,document,"outside");

  var elem = $("#elemento");

  // quando o mouse estiver sobre o elemento
  elem.bind('mouseover', function(event){

  // evento quando o foco do mouse estiver fora do elemento
  elem.bind('mouseoveroutside', function(event){    
  #elemento {
    font-family: Arial;
    color: black;
    width: 150px; 
    height: 150px; 
    border-radius: 5px; 
    text-align: center; background-color: #CCC;
  #elemento.dentro { background-color: RoyalBlue; color: white; }
<script src=""></script>

<div id="elemento">
  <h1 id="header"></h1>

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