Decode String


Viewed 72 times


I need to decode a string coming from an external device via PHP.

This equipment is a tracker that emits information in a time interval for a given host and port. I created a socket that reads the same host and port as the tracker and I was able to receive a message. This is the part of the code I’m using to show the received values.


        $buff = @socket_read(socket_accept($webSocket), 1024, PHP_BINARY_READ);
        echo "Numero de dados recebidos: $flgSl \n";

        $receiveStrHex = fread($buff);


Part of the received string: Òyšþøçü À ? 0 ô'P 'R@ Hb U eˆ7Xộž,Òyšþøçü À

I had tried to use the unpack() method but I was also unsuccessful.

Thank you.

  • What is the secret message? is encondig problem?

  • I think it is not a problem, because another software already performed the procedure of reading this type of code.

1 answer


This was no coded message.

This string is memory allocation sent by the equipment. To handle the message and be able to work with it, I converted the string to hexadecimal.

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