Pass parameters via post to Controller


Viewed 5,007 times


I have a CSHTML where the fields will turn into parameters, which will be passed via post to an existing method in a controller. How do I do this? I am searching, but I still have doubts about how to pass, as the method will understand that comes from a cshtml.

  • you have everything inside a form?

  • 1

    Post the relevant snippets of your code.

1 answer


One of the ways to send parameter via post to your controller is encapsulating your parameters within a form in the CSHTML of the kind POST and sending them through Submit.

You can use the helpers of MVC for this.


In his Model:

 public class PessoaModel

    public string Nome {get;set;} 
    public string Senha {get;set;}

In your CSHTML View

@model PessoaModel

 @using (Html.BeginForm("Salvar","PessoaController", FormMethod.POST))
    @Html.TextBoxFor(e => e.Nome) <br />
    @Html.TextBoxFor(e => e.Senha)

In your Controller

public class PessoaController : Controller
    public ActionResult Salvar (PessoaModel model)
        //Seu codigo quando a requisição post acontecer

You can also send information POST using a form without the use of a model, using the helpers without the termination is, and having in its controller parameter of the same name passed in the helper.

For example:

In your CSHTML:

@using (Html.BeginForm("Salvar","PessoaController", FormMethod.POST))
    @Html.TextBox("Nome") <br />

In your Controller

public class PessoaController : Controller
    public ActionResult Salvar(string nome, string senha)
        //Seu codigo quando a requisição post acontecer
  • A doubt. I have my cshtml Index(Home), but the parameters come from Home and will be executed in the Step controller and not in the Homecontroller. That’s not a problem?

  • All mvc controllers need to end with the name Controller. For example, Passocontroller (as I understand it). And yes, you can change the controller and action within @Html.Beginform by changing the first two parameters, but depending on the context and your implementation this can get messy.

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