Send textarea text to div


Viewed 639 times


Good community, I have the following script that takes text from the textarea and places it inside a div after ENTER.


    if (e.keyCode == 13) {
        var msg = $(this).val();

        $('<div class="msg_b">'+msg+'</div>').insertBefore('.msg_push');

If the div "msg_b" is written in HTML in the body the script works, but in this case I specify I need the div "msg_b" to be a js element and this way I can’t get ENTER to send the text entered in the textarea to the div.

  var element = '<div class="popup-box chat-popup" id="'+ id +'">';
            element = element + '<div class="popup-head">';
            element = element + '<div class="popup-head-left">'+ username +'</div>';
            element = element + '<div class="popup-head-right"><a href="javascript:close_popup(\''+ id +'\');">&#10005;</a></div>';
            element = element + '<div style="clear: both"></div></div><div class="popup-messages"><div class="msg_body"><div class="msg_a">This is from A   </div><div class="msg_b">This is from B</div><div class="msg_push"></div></div></div><div class="msg_footer"><textarea class="msg_input" rows="4"></textarea></div></div>';

            document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].innerHTML = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].innerHTML + element;  

If these div’s come out of this element and stay in the HTML itself The textarea text message already goes into the div "msg_b".

<div class="msg_box" style="right:290px">
<div class="msg_head">User
<div class="close">x</div>
<div class="msg_wrap">
    <div class="msg_body">
        <div class="msg_a">This is from A   </div>
        <div class="msg_b">This is from B, and its amazingly kool nah... i know it even i liked it :)</div>

        <div class="msg_push"></div>
<div class="msg_footer"><textarea class="msg_input" rows="4"></textarea></div>

  • What has this variable element? is an element or an HTML string?

  • @Sergio is an HTML element. Text should appear inside the <div class="msg_b"></div>

  • 2

    I’m still not sure if element is an object or a string. You can add more code to the question to clarify it?

  • @Did Sergio notice? i’m not very good at developing javascript code yet, but in this case I need the set of Divs to go through javascript

1 answer


See if that solves your problem:

var username = "João"; //exemplo
var id = "_qrt4"; //exemplo
var element = '<div class="popup-box chat-popup" id="'+ id +'">';
            element = element + '<div class="popup-head">';
            element = element + '<div class="popup-head-left">'+ username +'</div>';
            element = element + '<div class="popup-head-right"><a href="javascript:close_popup(\''+ id +'\');">&#10005;</a></div>';
            element = element + '<div style="clear: both"></div></div><div class="popup-messages"><div class="msg_body"><div class="msg_a">This is from A   </div><div class="msg_b">This is from B</div><div class="msg_push"></div></div></div><div class="msg_footer"><textarea class="msg_input" rows="4"></textarea></div></div>'

$('body').append(element) //Adiciona o elemento como um child

    if (e.keyCode == 13) {
        var msg = $(this).val();
        if(msg!=''){// Como mais de uma linha no if, os colchetes são necessários
            $('<div class="msg_b">'+msg+'</div>').insertBefore('.msg_push');
        $(this).val(''); //O esvaziamento deve ocorrer ao final de tudo
<script src=""></script>

Here the method append(). Basically it works like this:

 elementoPai.append('aqui virá um novo filho ao elemento pai');

It could be written in the same way as your example:

var username = "João";
var id = "_qrt4";
var element = '<div class="popup-box chat-popup" id="'+ id +'">';
            element = element + '<div class="popup-head">';
            element = element + '<div class="popup-head-left">'+ username +'</div>';
            element = element + '<div class="popup-head-right"><a href="javascript:close_popup(\''+ id +'\');">&#10005;</a></div>';
            element = element + '<div style="clear: both"></div></div><div class="popup-messages"><div class="msg_body"><div class="msg_a">This is from A   </div><div class="msg_b">This is from B</div><div class="msg_push"></div></div></div><div class="msg_footer"><textarea class="msg_input" rows="4"></textarea></div></div>';

document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].innerHTML = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].innerHTML + element;  

    if (e.keyCode == 13) {
        var msg = $(this).val();
        $('<div class="msg_b">'+msg+'</div>').insertBefore('.msg_push');
<script src=""></script>

It was just a lot of preferences, since the append is more practical. The essential question is in the fact of:

  • To variables userName and Id must be declared.
  • Is the script with the keypress() should come after the creation of tags, so that it recognizes them.
  • Resolved! wow :) can explain to me q difference made this append? thank you very much !

  • Sure, I’ll edit the answer.

  • 1

    Ready @Davidconcha, made the edit, take a look.

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