Sitemap - What to list?


Viewed 76 times


I am creating the sitemap of my project and listing the link I remembered that each article has a single page, so it is a dynamic page. The question that came to mind was this: Should I list the single article page? Or each article’s page? If yes, how will I do that, because the site has more than 100 articles, then I would have to list one by one?..

  • 1

    If you are using you can use

  • @Ricardo Excelente :) +1

1 answer


Yes you will have to list all, but usually the xml Sitemaps are just to facilitate the search engine, so you would not need to list all necessarily, could list the main articles or main pages (which lead to different contents)but the most important thing is to list pages that have no direct link. However what you will list may be something quite relative to each case.

To summarize the Sitemaps serve to facilitate indexing and only this, it does not mean that it will be the only path you can use to index.

I need to list manually

Of course not (if this is your doubt), you seem to use PHP, in case you can use PHP and the database where the urls are to generate your xml, maybe weekly.

However there are also scripts ready for this:

Note that they are a little outdated

If using wordpress:

  • 4

    Excellent @Guilhermenascimento response, just complementing, it’s always good not to index pages as categories or tags, as they change frequently, creating links that do not necessarily match the content and generating a much higher exit rate of the site. I saw these recommendations in the plugin "Wordpress SEO" and found it important to highlight this to the author of the question.

  • 1

    @Renancavalieri actually I was not aware of this, I will edit, thank you is always good to learn :D - I did not add your comment the answer because your comment is enlightening and your merit, but I removed the excerpt of the answer that spoke to index the categories.

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