I’m using the View rendering library with Smarty.
In my view, I have an output with the product information array inside a foreach:
{assign var='remove_products' [712, 716, 717, 718, 719, 720, 745, 755, 758]}
{foreach from=$products item=product name=products}
{if !in_array($product.id_product, $remove_products)}
<!-- OBS: gostaria de salvar todos os dados acima
em um novo array e usar a coleção novamente abaixo
<!-- usando a coleção (nova) só que com os itens removidos -->
How could I do that. Does anyone know? I tried to do this but it didn’t roll:
{assign var='remove_products' [712, 716, 717, 718, 719, 720, 745, 755, 758]}
{assign var='n_products' []}
{foreach $products as $key => $value}
{if !in_array($value.id_product, $remove_products)}
{$n_products[$key] = $value}
{$products = $n_products}
Which is Marty? The first example has the face of 2, the other of 3. You really need to define the array within the view/template?
– rray
The first one I’m wearing.
– Ivan Ferrer
The same is true to avoid having business rules directly in the views. You cannot pass the vector of products treated from the controller?
– Rodrigo Rigotti
I agree, only the system will be migrated soon, I need to rewrite it now, just to solve a little problem.
– Ivan Ferrer