How does "this" work in Javascript?


Viewed 71 times


I’d like to better understand how this run in Javascript.

  • What is he ?
  • What are its functions in language ?
  • And how your scope works in code ?
  • Oops, I had no intention of closing unilaterally... if anyone disagrees that it’s duplicate, please vote to reopen.

  • 2

    I agree that it is dup @mgibsonbr, although good question. And good answer there in the other question.

  • 6

    The good thing is that this one I think is better for indexing to help locate that one, in case who looks for this specifically. + 1

  • 1

    @Bacco Agree Fully, if it were to research this would be the title of the research.

  • @Highlander the duplicates has special place here at Sopt just for that. They have value as index.

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