How to read data from the Mysql database of an application in c#?


Viewed 1,583 times


I have a table with 2 columns in phpmyadmin,I can connect and read one column but not the other, from the following error

An unhandled Exception of type 'Mysql.Data.Mysqlclient.Mysqlexception' occurred in Mysql.Data.dll
Additional information: Unknown column '(Name I search)' in 'Where clause'

 MySqlConnection conectar = new MySqlConnection(conex);
            MySqlCommand command = conectar.CreateCommand();
            command.CommandText = "SELECT id from hackers where Nick= "+textBox1.Text;
            MessageBox.Show("Conexão estabelecida!!");
        catch (Exception ex)
        { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); }
        MySqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
        { label1.Text = reader["nick"].ToString(); }

When I use SELECT NICK FROM HACKERS WHERE id=x works but otherwise not

  • Try to use parameters, command.CommandText = "SELECT id from hackers where Nick = @Nick";.

  • 2

    My guess is that you forgot the simple quotes '' something like "SELECT id from hackers Where Nick= '"+textBox1.Text+"'";

  • Face the answer is much like this here

  • Check how the column is written Nick, from what I saw on select is NICK, try to put it like this.

5 answers


Two things.

First, the error occurs by syntax. If you search for strings, they have to be surrounded by single quotes.

That’s wrong:

... WHERE nick = x

'Cause the bank thinks you want to compare the columns nick and x (and x there is no).

That’s right:

... WHERE nick = 'x'

The worst, though, is that you mount your SQL command via concatenation. If it’s just an application to learn, it won’t hurt you now. But if you release a system to the Internet that searches that way, it’s vulnerable to attack. Then I ask that after solving the problem in the syntax of the command, do a search (can be here in Stack Overflow same) about injection of SQL. I leave it to you to research and study this in your own time.


See the example below...

public DataTable PesquisarPorNome(string NomePesquisado)
        SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection();
        conn.ConnectionString = myConnString;
            var SQL = string.Format("SELECT * FROM tbEspecialidades WHERE NomeEspecialidade  LIKE @NomePesquisado");

            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
            cmd.Connection = conn;
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
            cmd.CommandText = SQL;
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@NomePesquisado", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = "%" + NomePesquisado + "%";
            SqlDataAdapter sqlA = new SqlDataAdapter();
            DataTable tabela = new DataTable();

            sqlA.SelectCommand = cmd;


            return tabela;

Obs: the connection made here is to the bank sql server, simply changes to the mysql.



command.CommandText = "SELECT id from hackers where Nick= "+textBox1.Text;


command.CommandText = "SELECT id from hackers where Nick like "+textBox1.Text;

Although I recommend using Entity Framework, it greatly facilitates access to the database because it converts your tables / records into classes / objects, thus facilitating access and manipulation of them.


If you want to fetch more than one information the sql statement should be

sqlCommand selectTable = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM nomeTabela WHERE nick = '@nick';", conexao);

and to load the data use the loop as follows.

       label1.Text = reader["nick"].ToString();
       label2.Text = reader["2ªColuna"].ToString(); 



 command.CommandText = string.Format("SELECT id from hackers where Nick='{0}'",textBox1.Text);

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