Javascript animations and scrolling effects


Viewed 281 times


In recent times it has been common to find animated websites based on page scrolling. But, unlike the result of a WOW.js of life for example, if you scroll, let the effect run, scroll to another section of the page and return to the previous place, the effect runs again.

Just as you can also find elements that move as you scroll the page.

Does anyone have any SPECIFIC reference material for the study of this kind of animation?

Thank you :)

  • 1

    I find this question too wide. You can add links to illustrate the animations you refer to?

  • Erick, I don’t know if you’re talking about those parallax effects, or you’re talking about those animations that shoot in a certain scrolling position, or you’re talking about something else. Can you elaborate the question a little more so that the community can help you more easily? To add more information. just click on [Edit] below your question.

  • Yes. At the moment I only found this example, I will look for clearer ones. But I refer exactly to this type of action, this "16 exits" behaves according to the back and forth on the roll. It doesn’t happen just once, as in wow.js. I usually see this effect in titles, and developers play with its opacity like this. I will look for other examples to be even clearer.

  • This is a great example. .

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