How can I merge two or more **Linhas x Coluna**
of the consultation below?
select cast(OS.CreateDate as date) as DtMovimentacao, OS.Id as NrOS, OS.Description Origem, OSI.Description as ItemSaida, OSI.Quantity as QtdSaida,
OSE.Description, OSE.Quantity, OSE.Notes
from Asset_WorkOrders OS
join Asset_WorkOrderOtherCost OSI
on OSI.WorkOrderId = OS.Id
select OS.WorkOrderId, OSI.Description,OSI.Quantity,OSI.Notes from Asset_WorkOrders OS
join Asset_WorkOrderOtherCost OSI
on OSI.WorkOrderId = OS.Id
where TypeId = 56
on OSE.WorkOrderId = OS.Id
where OS.Id = 147412
and OS.TypeId = 34
I needed the result to stay that way.
That in the query
or through the Report Server
You want a line to have N information from Itemsaida and Qtdsaida?
– Leandro Amorim
Exactly, something that will clear the field in case it is identical to the others leaving only one...
– Marco Souza