Integration of TSF with Android Studio


Viewed 60 times


I wonder if someone has already done or knows how to accomplish the integration of Android studio with TSF. So far only found forms of integras with Intellij.

2 answers


The integration exists, you won’t have all the features in the IDE, but you can use the Web Portal, i.e., Web interface.

  • Code

    I don’t know Android Studio, however, I know that it is natively integrated into Git, and today TFS or VSTS (formerly VSO) accept creating Git repositories; even VSTS accepts to have in each project 2 types of repositories, Git as TFVC. When you commit you can use #[Workitem Number] in the message and TFS will integrate the commit with the artifacts, usually Tasks.

  • Artifacts

    The creation of Workitems (Tasks, User Storys/Product Backlog Items, Features, ...) should be done via Web Portal, including some Works are no longer in Visual Studio, since Microsoft is moving so that TFS/VSTS is seen as a tool that meets any platform, language, etc...

  • Build

    With the current 2015 version of TFS and VSTS, you can make Android code builds, today it’s simpler, "scripted", and you can write the Steps in Node.js, if the existing ones do not meet.


Android Studio is based on the version Community Edition Intellij IDEA. Integration with TFS as well as various other features, are only available in the version Ultimate Edition of Intellij IDEA, which is not the basis for Android Studio.

You will probably only be able to do this integration by manually associating with Visual Studio or from the command line.

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