Count elements on the screen


Viewed 4,205 times


I wonder if there is the possibility of me counting the elements on the screen, for example a function that lists the amount of <li> arranged on my website.

How could I do that? And how would this function work?

7 answers


You can do it like this:

function contar(what){
   return document.querySelectorAll(what).length; 

For example on this page using contar('li') gives 92. With this function you can pass a CSS selector like ul li.nome which also works.


  • 1

    +1 The answer is even better, because it has the function

  • 1

    It’s the best way to do it, I believe.


With pure javascript you can do so:


length return the quantity of items present in your document.


You can use Jquery to do this, for example


you can also put a class on li type <li class="item"> and use


so do not risk taking all the read present on the page.


Your best solution without doubt will be with the .length and how it’s such a simple thing it doesn’t even need the jquery.

I would only change one question, the selector, in some tests in the browsers the document.getElementsByTagName is faster than document.querySelectorAll.

getelementsbytagname vs querySelectorAll

So if you take all the elements I read and tell and your problem would indicate something like this:

var li = document.getElementsByTagName('li').length;
document.write('Quantidade de li: ' + li);



This way it is possible, the script will scan all elements li.

@Edit: Simplified form.

var elementos = document.getElementsByTagName('li');
document.writeln('Existem ' + elementos.length);

@Edit: Count implementation.

var elementos = document.getElementsByTagName('li');
var count = 0;, function(arr) {
document.writeln('Existem ' + count);


Ten easier, do it like this


ready, simple, easy and clean

  • Most beautiful visually though is using Jquery the version that was put as the best answer, solves the problem without using any other library

  • Yes, hj I avoid using jquery, 5 years later kkkkk


try this with Jquery:

 var i = 0;
  • Even though some people hide their faces and don’t talk when they’re negative, I’ll talk. I gave -1 because this is not a good idea, considering that jQuery has its own methods for this. With size and the priority length.

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