Prefixes using Css Stylus


Viewed 83 times


I’m starting to use css Stylus and I’m having trouble adding the browser prefixes. Is there any autoprefixer that adds everything automatically or have to do everything manual?

Thank you.

Obs : tried to use this , but an error occurred in the installation via npm (npm ERR! Windows_NT 10.0.10240)

  • +1 because you are using Stylus :) How is your configuration code? What was the error that occurred?

  • Thanks =D , So when I try to install Autoprefixer via npm , it returns me an error of Windows_NT

  • Can you put the error in the question? which version of Stylus and Nodejs you are using?

  • @Sergio put the bug in the question; The version of Node I use is 4.2.1 ; E of Stylus is 0.52.4

1 answer


I found a library for prefixes, it’s called nib , I had already seen it but I didn’t know how to use it. I discovered that we need to use the @import and import the folder nib.
The other error I reported about npm, I was able to solve by updating Node.js

Thank you all! =)

  • The Nib library is very useful and is always agreed to use it. @import, you can add it to the Gulp task for CSS compilation, and then put them as a dependency on the project.

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