Why does the primefaces dataScroller stop fetching records?


Viewed 202 times


My xhtml is like this:

<p:dataScroller  ajax="true" id="listaDiarios" 
    chunkSize="3"  lazy="true"

The load I did as follows:

    LazyDataModel registros = new LazyDataModel() {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -4742720028771554420L;
       public List<RegistroDiario> load(int first, int pageSize,
          String sortField, SortOrder sortOrder,
          Map<String, Object> filters) {
          // TODO Auto-generated method stub
          System.out.println("entrei load "+ first);
          System.out.println("entrei size "+ pageSize); 
          System.out.println("qnt linhas "+ this.getRowCount()); 

          return RegistroDiarioDao.getAllLastRegistroDiarioVelho(first);


And in the DAO the method is like this:

 public static ArrayList getAllLastRegistroDiarioVelho(int inicio) {

     EntityManager em = HibernateManageFactory.getFactory() 

     Query query = em.createQuery(
        "select u from RegistroDiario u order by u.dtRegistro desc",

ArrayList<RegistroDiario> registrosDiarios = (ArrayList<RegistroDiario>) query.getResultList();

return registrosDiarios;

He brings the records, so far so good. I want him to always bring 3-3, the first time he brings 3, when he gives the scroll bar, he brings 3 more and then he stops to go get more records. Being that I have much more than 6 records in the bank.

I don’t know if I’m doing it right or wrong, so I wanted your help, I want him to bring all the bank records, but going 3 by 3

1 answer


It is necessary to provide the total of results to be paged for the LazyDataModel.

As found in the version 3.5 documentation:

In addition to load method, totalRowCount needs to be provided so that Paginator can display itself According to the Logical number of Rows to display.

Run a query that counts total results and set that total to totalRowCount of LazyDataModel. Something like:

// ...
int totalRegistrosDiarios = RegistroDiarioDAO.getTotalLastRegistrosDiariosVelhos();
// ...

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