Add days to a date within the method and return it with new period


Viewed 213 times


I tried to do a function to add to that date, days coming from a parameter passed in the function. Below the function:

function montaDataSubstituicaoPrestador(){

    var exclusao = new Date('2014-03-14T23:54:00');
    var novadata = new Date();
    var p = 60;

    novadata.setDate(exclusao.getDate() + p);


I changed the function, because the date that should come by parameter, was giving error NaN. I removed the second parameter too, which would be the days added up, but this one was correct, I switched to the "P", but that’s not the problem. It turns out that in alert(exclusao) there’s a NaN and of course novadata It’s also coming like this. How do I add days to a date on js? I took that from colleague Morrison, here.

2 answers


You are adding 60 days based on the current date new Date(), you need to use the setDate() using the date of exclusion.

var exclusao = new Date('2014-03-14T23:54:00');
var novaData = exclusao;
novaData.setDate(novaData.getDate() + 60);
  • But exclusions are coming like: Nan

  • Had made a fiddle and worked right using console.log but should show right with alert

  • With me is not working, I marked as a response, because a test I did worked, but with date mounted, but the code did not work and so I decided to put this comment. Is it because the date is coming without the hour part?

  • I did it in the fiddle and see how it is. It doesn’t work: link

  • @pnet To be able to add days on the date you need to have an object of type Date. in the example you made in the fiddle is using a string. Note the following message in the browser console Uncaught TypeError: dt_exclusao.getDate is not a function

  • I know, but the format that is received by the function parameter is string and I’ve already given a Date.parse(). one stringTodate() and nothing happened. I’m not able to parse from one format to another.

  • In fact, it will only work with one variable Date valid. If you are in doubt how to format, you can ask a question here in the OS. Beforehand, you can read in the type reference Date here

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Here’s a role I use in JAVASCRIPT...

function somaDias(dt,qtd)
    var dt1 = dt.split("/");
    var hj1 = dt1[2]+"-"+dt1[1]+"-"+dt1[0];
    var dtat = new Date(hj1);
    var myDate = new Date(hj1);
    myDate.setDate(myDate.getDate() + (qtd+1));
    var ano = myDate.getFullYear();
    var dia = myDate.getDate(); if(dia<10){dia='0'+dia};
    var mes = (myDate.getMonth()+1); if(mes<10){mes='0'+mes}        
    return (dia+"/"+mes+"/"+ano);

// Informe a data e a quantidade de dias que deseja somar.
  • Jetro, Welcome! Avoid placing duplicate answers. If the questions are about the same problem mark them as duplicates. See you soon!

  • Hello, Sergio. I don’t understand your comment. Where can I see if the question is about "Same problem" ?

  • Hi! You gave the same answer here as in this other question: Hence my comment. Usually the same answer (without changing a comma) is very likely that the question is the same and then should be marked as duplicate.

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