Print width on thermal printer, WPF and C#


Viewed 1,288 times


Hello, I am making a program to print list of activities in thermal printers, in it I put this information within a table (created in print-only code, full width around 250, and font size like 12)and the table inside a Flowdocument and then print with the method PrintDocument of a PrintDialog, the problem is that depending on the printer the content is being printed very large, and I would like it to be the same size in any thermal printer, whose sheet width follows the standard of 80mm. I have already tried to turn the table into an image and try to catch the indicated width in PrintDialog.PrintableAreaWidth and print as an image with this width, but I was not successful...

In short: I need to get a way that the font size and print width are equal regardless of the printer thinking of 80mm papers.

  • Hello Rune. Your question is good - I leave here only the hint that if you edit it to include the code you have already tried to use as an example, you will have more chances of getting a good answer in addition to getting a faster answer.

1 answer


The likely solution will be to adopt the standard ESC/POS we believe that all thermal printers adopt this standard.

By experience, EPSON, ELGIN, BEMATECH, I have already tested, obviously some commands of this standard can apply to one model and another not, for example, cutting paper only has effect on printer with guillotine.

Here’s a Example of use

Documentation: Here

Code snippet (Full example on link above):

Public Class Form1
    Public Const eClear As String = Chr(27) + "@"
    Public Const eCentre As String = Chr(27) + Chr(97) + "1"
    Public Const eLeft As String = Chr(27) + Chr(97) + "0"
    Public Const eRight As String = Chr(27) + Chr(97) + "2"
    Public Const eDrawer As String = eClear + Chr(27) + "p" + Chr(0) + ".}"
    Public Const eCut As String = Chr(27) + "i" + vbCrLf
    Public Const eSmlText As String = Chr(27) + "!" + Chr(1)
    Public Const eNmlText As String = Chr(27) + "!" + Chr(0)
    Public Const eInit As String = eNmlText + Chr(13) + Chr(27) + _
    "c6" + Chr(1) + Chr(27) + "R3" + vbCrLf
    Public Const eBigCharOn As String = Chr(27) + "!" + Chr(56)
    Public Const eBigCharOff As String = Chr(27) + "!" + Chr(0)

    Private prn As New RawPrinterHelper

    Private PrinterName As String = "EPSON TM-T20 Receipt"

    Public Sub StartPrint()
    End Sub

    Public Sub PrintHeader()
        Print(eInit + eCentre + "My Shop")
        Print("Tel:0123 456 7890")
        Print("Web: www.????.com")
        Print("VAT Reg No:123 4567 89" + eLeft)
    End Sub

    Public Sub PrintBody()
        Print(eSmlText + "Tea                                          T1   1.30")


        Print(eSmlText + "                                         Total:   1.30")

        Print("                                     Paid Card:   1.30")
    End Sub

    Public Sub PrintFooter()
        Print(eCentre + "Thank You For Your Support!" + eLeft)
        Print(vbLf + vbLf + vbLf + vbLf + vbLf + eCut + eDrawer)
    End Sub

    Public Sub Print(Line As String)
        prn.SendStringToPrinter(PrinterName, Line + vbLf)
    End Sub

    Public Sub PrintDashes()
        Print(eLeft + eNmlText + "-".PadRight(42, "-"))
    End Sub

    Public Sub EndPrint()
    End Sub

    Private Sub bnExit_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) _
            Handles bnExit.Click

    End Sub

    Private Sub bnPrint_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) _
            Handles bnPrint.Click

        If prn.PrinterIsOpen = True Then



        End If
    End Sub
End Class


  • Although in Vb, great example, but the problem is that in this system there are two modes, one only text and the other where I need to make use of some Graphic elements, so I use the printdocument function, which is where I’m having problems. Still, thank you.

  • It did not make this clear in the question, however, this answer method also works with graphical elements, images, bar code, etc. Post image and model code that is having problems.

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