Does not redirect to Login Page


Viewed 330 times


To authenticate in my system I am using the attribute [Authorize] I put this code down on Web.Config for when the Code 401 which is related to not authenticating it redirects itself to my login page.

<customErrors defaultRedirect="GenericError.html" mode="RemoteOnly">
<error statusCode="401" redirect="Login/Login"/>

But it is not redirecting or generating error.

  • In fact, if the page returns a 401, it should redirect without needing to. You are using ASP.NET Identity?

  • Thanks for the Suggestion, I used the way below.

1 answer


The correct way to perform this redirection to the login view is through the tag authentication in your file Web.config. Below is an example:

    <authentication mode="Forms">
      <forms loginUrl="/SignIn" />

Note that you must define the attribute mode as Forms and then in the attribute loginUrl tag forms you specify the URL of your login view.

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