og:image with database image - symfony php


Viewed 66 times


Hi, I have a news page that the user can like and share the news. Each news has its specific image. In some news, there’s a photo album. When there is the album for the news, the facebook share picks up an album image and not the news image.

I searched around and I thought I should use the meta tag og:image, but only that I’m not able to do it, look at my code

the image is inserted in the news table. in action:

$this->imagem = Doctrine_core::getTable('tbnews')
                ->select('im.id, im.imagem')
                ->where("im.imagem != ''")
                ->andWhere('im.id = ', $request->getParameter('id'))

    $response = $this->getResponse();
    $response->addMeta("og:image", "http://www.meusite.gov.br/upload/noticias/<?php echo $this->imagem;");

and that’s what I get in return in page rendering:

<meta content="http://www.meusite.gov.br/upload/noticias/<?php echo <pre> Doctrine_Collection data : Array( 0 : Object(tbNews) ) </pre>; ?>" name="og:image">

2 answers


Exchange the:

    "http://www.meusite.gov.br/upload/noticias/<?php echo $this->imagem;"

... for:

    "http://www.meusite.gov.br/upload/noticias/" . $this->imagem->getAtributo()

In the above example I used a method getAtributo() (which probably does not exist) of the class tbnews to print this attribute on the meta tag. Change the method to another of your choice.

  • i got this answer: Fatal error: Call to Undefined method Doctrine_collection::getImagem(). And this is what appears in the html: <meta content="http://www.meusite.gov.br/upload/noticias/" name="og:image">

  • Your query returns a collection of entities, not just a single entity. You need to take the first object from resultset and then print the ebject attribute you want on the meta tag.

  • yes it is, but it’s not happening. um.

  • Try to access the first Collection object with: $this->imagem[0]->getAtributo()

  • that’s how you print an image of the bank on the screen, but not the right image, take any one and play the same image for all pages :T

  • but anyway og:image is not picking up the image that appeared in the meta tag.

  • What meta tag is being generated?

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I found the solution. I had to rewrite the addMeta() function so that the parameter name be replaced by property.

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