I have a matrix with 30 fixed values, I wanted to know how to generate these same 30 values, but random, if possible with limit values between (2400, 400).
How is the matrix currently:
private int[][] coordenadas = {
{ 2380, 29 },{ 2600, 59 },{ 1380, 89 },{ 780, 109},
{ 580, 139 },{ 880, 239 },{ 790, 259 },{ 760, 50 },
{ 790, 150 },{ 1980, 209 },{ 560, 45 },{ 510, 70 },
{ 930, 159 },{ 590, 80 },{ 530, 60 },{ 940, 59 },
{ 990, 30 },{ 920, 200 },{ 900, 259 },{ 660, 50 },
{ 540, 90 },{ 810, 220 },{ 900, 259 },{ 660, 50 },
{ 820, 128 },{ 490, 170 },{ 700, 30 },{ 920, 300 },
{ 856, 328 },{ 456, 320 }
apparent each set has a higher value and a lower. 2400 would be the ceiling of the larger and 400 the ceiling of the smaller as I understood. But other information is missing, as if the first value needs to be greater than the second and the lowest value of both.
– Marcos Regis
1º value: from 500 to 2400, 2º value: 0 to 400 There is no need for the first or the second to be smaller... the second value is the height, which can be variable according to the height of the screen (in this case from 0 to 400)