When we have an error in the sum of a number with Javascript, it is returned NaN
parseInt('a') + 3; //NaN
What does it mean NaN
When we have an error in the sum of a number with Javascript, it is returned NaN
parseInt('a') + 3; //NaN
What does it mean NaN
Global ownership
is a special value that means Not-A-Number (is not a number).
Say the description there:
is a property of the global object, not rewritable, not configurable and not enumerable.
In modern browsers, the NaN
is a read-only and not configurable property. Even when this is not the case, avoid overwriting it.
The use of NaN
. It is returned when a mathematical operation fails (for example: Math.sqrt(-1)
), or when a function tries to turn a string into an integer for example parseInt("blabla")
validate false
when converted into Boolean and can be used isNaN()
to check if a value is NaN
Definition and Use
The Nan property represents a value "Not-a-Number".
This property indicates that a value is not a legal number.
The Nan property is the same as the Number.Nan property
It is also returned Nan when a mathematical operation does not return an understandable value or when you try to sum some numbers, but in some of your fields there is no value, and there is no Try Cath to treat the exception, thus, he cannot complete the mathematical operation.
Nan stands for Not-A-Number.
It means something is not a valid number.
In this case, you are trying to parse from 'a' to INT, but 'a' is not a number, so the Nan error is generated (Not-a-number).
more information: http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_number_nan.asp
The estate NaN
represents "Not -to- NUmber".
This property indicates that a value is not a legal number.
The global property Nan is a special value meaning Not-A-Number (not a number).
In this example, it is one of the situations that is returned the value 'Nan', in this case the conversion of a string 'alphabet' to number.
You can use the isNaN() function to verify that one, calculation, conversion, value is equal to 'Nan'. Vide : https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/isNaN
This has been answered before, including the link is the same as the @Sergio reply, but is translated.
Browser other questions tagged javascript nan
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I believe it is
Not a Number
, but I’m not sure, so I’ll wait for an answer too.– DiegoAugusto
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