Play Framework - Which version is the most recommended to use?


Viewed 121 times


I started trying to learn play framework and saw that until version 2.2.x everything was done from the concole by typing the command "play new, play run, etc" and, only that to run this version would have to be necessary to depress the java that is currently Java 8 for Java 7 or 6, but after that version I saw that the use is now of Activator in the terminal, someone would know to tell me which is the most recommendable?

1 answer


The version 2.4.3, is the latest version and tends to be the most stable, being the latest it resolves some bugs from previous versions. As you have seen now you can use the command line activator, it works normally and fully compatible with version 8 of Java, a way to develop reactive systems in a simpler way too.

And since you’re learning about the Play Framework, a good way to learn is by using the command activator ui. With this command you have a complete interface to teach you about Play.

  • I noticed, at first I had a bit of difficulty to install Activator, but it worked out well. Thanks for the clarification and the tip!

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