Get currency quotes from date


Viewed 104 times


I am making an application and would like to know if there is any way to get currency quotes from an X date (not necessarily will be the current day) via Webservice consumption.

  • I didn’t understand the reason for the vote to close.

  • 1

    I believe it is pq not specified where these quotes come from, whether it is from a proper database, text file, web service etc.

  • @rray I understand. I edited stating that it is via Webservice.

  • 2

    I do not know the others but I voted to close because you did not show what you did, did not give details of what you need, where your mistake is, did not make clear what you need, anyway, nor do we know what kind of answer will be satisfactory. But if it’s just a list of links where you can take this, it is also broad according to the definition of this reason of closure.

1 answer


  • 1

    If you can bring information from these links here it would be great. This API looks interesting, I think it would be good for others to have information in Portuguese here.

  • @Sergio The first one doesn’t have much secret. Visual Studio does everything on its own to import. The second one is a great documentation.

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