Capture table elements with jquery


Viewed 1,623 times


How can I click elements of a table that is being dynamically filled with jQuery? I want when it clicked pain to be marked only 1 row of the table. I only managed to mark all.

Here when clicking on the table it shows a button and now I wanted to when to click on td it marks only the one that was clicked and not all


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  • Join HTML to help you. You need to delegate this event, there are answers that look like what you need.

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  • yes long ago

2 answers


I made an example running here, see if it helps you:

$("table td").on('click', function(e){
  var linha = $(this).parent();
    $(linha).css('background', "");
    $(linha).css('background', "gray");
table td{
  border: solid 1px #000;
  cursor: pointer;
<script src=""></script>


You need to use the . on of jquery (, passing from an element that already exists in the DOM as a reference, for example:

$('#elemento').on('click', '<identificador do elemento dinamico que será clicado', function(){
  // executa função
<div id="elemento">
<!-- aqui vai ser inserido o conteudo dinamico -->

  • n it worked not I passed there in elemnto the id of my table there inside the identifier of the element I passed the tag <td> and put my function to mark the td c it was clicked but it did not rotate I put all the function you passed of click inside mine and was not no

  • but the reference cannot be the table if it is generated dynamically.... makes a test roughly puts the body as reference.... but you need to locate a wrapper closer to the element for reference

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